Chapter 12

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Vikk walks over to me and picks me up. He brings me over to the couch and when I look up I saw Josh with a protective face on. I hear more footsteps come down, along with groans of pain.

Vikk sits down next to me. I look at him quickly before I put my head on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around me. The footsteps stopped.

"What are we doing here" I hear Jason ask.

"You got beat up pretty badly" Josh says. He looks at me and Vikk before he walks to his room.

"What's wrong with him" Preston asks. I shrug my shoulders.

"Alex, what happened" I hear Jason ask.

"Ty came" I said.

"Why was he here" Preston asks as they sit down on the other couch.

"He wanted me to be his again" I said.

"Bastard" I hear Jason whisper.

My eyes fall a bit as Vik turns on the TV. I cuddle closer to Vikk. I close my eyes as I drift off into a weird dream

I walk along the shore of a sandy beach of a lake. I look out at the lake and see something glimmering at the end of the dock. I walk out to the end of the dock to see a blade of some sort made out of a blue material. Diamonds? I touch it and it feels super cold as I pull away. I shiver. Ice. It was made out of ice. I then get pushed out of the way as someone goes to grab the blade, but as soon as he lays a finger on it he staggers back as he freezes from fingers to toe, keeping his head free for air.

"This was a trap, YOU LIAR, YOU ARE ONE PRICK, VIKK" the guy yells. Vikk appears out of no where. He goes toward the blade.

"I did tell the truth, the blade is right here, you just didn't know that only one person can touch this sword. And that person is.."

My eye fling open. I look up to see that I was still in Vikks arm, but he was now fast asleep. The only difference was the TV and lights were off, Preston and Jason werent here, and there was a blanket on us.

I move Vikks arm slowly off of me as I get up. I walk into the kitchen and grab a cup of cold water. I set the cup on the table as I sat down. I rubbed my eyes in exhaustion.

I grab my cup for it to freeze. I gasp as I almost drop the cup. I go to thaw it when I noticed a design in it. I pour a little bit of water on it and take the chunk of ice out of the cup.

The tiny statue in the ice was the blade in my dream. I set the cup down and walk out of the kitchen. I might just be seeing things. I yawn as I go back into the living room and cuddle up with Vikk and go back to bed.

I wake up the next morning to find an empty space next to me. I look around to see that Vikk was gone and it seems early.

I stand up and walk into the Kitchen to see Vikk.

"Hey Vikk" I said which startled him.

"Hi" he says.

"Sorry if I scared you" I said sitting down.

"It's no problem, I was gonna wake up everyone soon, want to help" he asks.

"Sure" I said.

"Who do you want to wake up" He asks me.

"Simon, Josh, Preston and Jason" I said.

"Okay I'll get Tobi, JJ, Cal and Harry" he says.

"Okay" I said as Vikk finishes the many pancakes that he was making.

We head up the stairs. Vikk stops at the spare room Harry and Cal are in while I continue walking to Simons room.

I walk into his room and see his room a mess. As I walk over to Simon I see a picture of me on his bedside table.

I grab his shoulders and shake him.

"Simon wake up" I said.

"Five more minutes" he says groggily.

"If you wake up now I'll get you nandos or something after school" I said. He jumps out of bed and starts running around.

I walk out of his room and go to Joshs room.

As I walk into his room I find his room was clean.

I shake his shoulder yelling him to wake up. It was the same with Preston and Jason.

I walk back to the living room but before I could Josh pops out of nowhere.

"Here's some clothes you can barrow, before you ask there my girlfriends clothes" he says handing me clothes.

"Thanks" I said. I go into the bathroom and change into the clothes.

I walk out and to the kitchen to find Vikk and Simon eating cereal. I sit down next to Vikk and pour myself a bowl of cereal.

As I eat my cereal I scroll through Twitter.

When we for to school me and Vikk walked to our lockers.

"How did you get Simon up so fast" he asks.

"I told him that if he gets up them and there I will get him nandos after school" I told him.

"Yah, he loves nandos" Vikk says as we open our lockers.

"Yeah I figured that" I said. I hear the clicking and blacking of heels on the floor. I grab my gym bag and close my locker and turn around to see Mitch and Jessica walking down the hall, holding hands. Of course.

I look over at Vikk.

"Did you finish your math homework" I ask him.

"No...I did promise to start finishing my homework but I got distracted" he said.

"I'll start helping you if you want" I ask just before the clicking stops in front of us.

Mitch pushes me into the locker, holding me there while Jessica pushes Vikk against the locker and she starts whispering something in his eat.

Mitch looks me in the eye and says "nothing ever lasts" before he lets go of me. He turns and walks away with Jessica.

I glance at Vikk before we head off to gym class.

Vikks glance..

Jessica gets close to me and starts whispering to me.

"Alex isn't who you think she is, she doesn't love you. She loves Simon, and she will always love him" she says before pushing me into the locker again and walking off with Mitch.

I take a step and see Alex looking at me in the corner out of the corner of my eyes. We then walk off to gym.

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