Chapter 27

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I wake up to my alarm going off. I peek open my eyes to see it is 7 in the morning. I turn off my alarm before I get up slowly. Why did he have to get a morning flight.

I stretch, which causes my back to crack. I go over to my closet and find an outfit out of the stuff I didn't pack. (insert description of clothes).

I brush my hair and put my shoes on before I go downstairs.

I put some bread on the toaster before I go back upstairs. I walk to the first door. I open it and wake them up. I wake up everyone and when I get to Vikk I give him a morning kiss.

"Morning" I said as I woke him.

"Morning" he says before he rolls off the bed. I laugh at him as I leave. I go back downstairs and finished making my toast.

I put butter and honey on the toast before I eat it.

I sit down on a stool at the island as Simon walks in.

"Morning" he says.

"Mornin" I said back with a mouthful.

"So how was your 'Alex and Vikk time' go yesterday" he asks, sorta sounding disgusted.

"It was fun" I said. Harry walks in.

"How was yesterday" he asked me.

"Fun" I answered again. Then Tobi walked in.

"Yesterday" He asks sounding super tired.

"Fun" I said once again.

Finally Vikk comes downstairs and kissed me on the cheek before turning around. I heard something clatter to the ground as the guys mouth drops. I turn on my phone and took a picture before I burst out laughing.

"Wa...wh..are you" Tobi says pointing back and firth between us.

"A thing" Harry finished for him.

"Yeah, he asked me yesterday" I said as I grabbed Vikks hand who is now sitting next to me.

"HASHTAG VEX123" Tobi yells. I hear a this coming from upstairs, signaling the only other person in the house is awake. And that is Josh.

I hear him mumbling something before I see him in the door.

"Can you guys keep it quiet, there is still a person in this house trying to sleep" he said annoyed.

"Sorry man but we heard that Vex123 has shipped" he said.

"What the hell is that" he asks, annoyance still in his voice.

"Vikk and Alex" Toni exclaims.

"So you two are together, yay" he says sarcastically before turning around and heading back upstairs.

"Well he's grumpy" Harry says.

"No duh, we woke him up by yelling" I said.

I get up and go to my room. I walk in to see Josh pasted out on my bed. Uhm okay. I quietly grab my three medium sized suitcases. A marvel suitcase, a legend of Zelda, and a once upon a time. I stage my suitcases down the stairs and set them next to the door. I hear a car honk making me jump. I peek out the window to see the Sun coming up, oh and also a car with their headlights on in the driveway. The passenger gets out and waves to me. Jerome. I open the door and run over to him. I engulf him in a hug.

"It's been too long" he says. I hear some more car doors open and more arms join the hug.

"VEX123 NEEDS TO BE CONFIRMED" Adam yells as he pulls away.

"Haha well you missed the big anouncement so I guess I'll tell you guys at the hotel" I said before sprinting inside. I heard them groan from behind me. I walk over to Vikk.

"In gonna tell them about us at the hotel in Minneapolis" I said to him.

"Okay" he says giving me a small kiss. I smile at him as the guys came in.

"Nice to see you guys" Tobi says bro-hugging Preston and Jason.

"Guys we need to goooo" I said emphasizing the o.

"Okaaaay" Adam says. We get in the cars. Simon driving the first and Adam driving the second. I was sitting in the back next to the window. Vikk was in the middle next to me while Tobi was upfront and Harry next to Vikk.

"Vikk, do you think we will find it, without the help of Noah?" I ask him.

"We will find it so don't worry," he says as he grabs my hand.

"I don't know," I said as I face the window.

"We will find it, I promise," he says squeezing my hand. He kisses the top of my head and pulls me towards him. I lay my head on his shoulders, still staring out the window.

When we get to the airport we walked in and soon got called to our flight.

I sit down in the middle, Simon on the inside, Vikk next to the window.

"We are now going into flight."

I take out my black traveling pillow and put my head on Viks shoulder. The softness of the pillow sent me to bed.

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