Chapter 6

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I open my eyes to find my head on Simons leg?

I sit up to find that I was next to Vikk but there was no Josh. I mistve fell asleep wiith my head on Joshs or books shoulder and when Josh left I ended up falling that way and landing on Simons lap.

I get up and stretch before I grab my phone. I had a missed call from Mitch and a voice mail.

I click on the voice mail first. I put it up to my ears and listened to it.

'Hey Alex it's me Mitch, look I was wondering if it was okay if we could possibly take a break. I know you said we could work this out with the distance and I do love you. I just don't think I can do this'

I drop my phone and for some reason u don't cry or have years in my eyes. I am angry. He promised he will try but no he goes and breaks that promise.

If he is gonna be this way then fine. I pick up my phone again before a voice made me drop it again.

"Mitch broke up with you" Simon asks. I whip around to face him.

"How did you know" I ask him.

"You didn't take it off of speaker last night" he says.

"Oh" is all I could say.

"Don't girl usually fall apart crying by now" Simon questions.

"No I'm more mad, he promised he would try and after not even 24 hours later he calls and says he's giving up" I said.

"Oh" is all he said before Vikk blinked open his eyes.

"Thanks for the wake up call" he says yawning.
"Don't worry I just heard giving up and oh" he adds in.

He gets up and goes to the kitchen. I follow him in and sit down on one of the stools.

Vikk attempts at making eggs as I sit there watching him. Simon comes in as Vikk places burnt eggs on the plate.

"Who wants them" he asks.

"I'm not that hungry, but I'll take a cup of chocolate milk" I said.

"Okay well I'm not eating it, here you go Simon" Vikk says pushing the plate over to Simon before turning around and opening the fridge. He takes out the chocolate milk and grabs two cups. He pours the milk and hands me a cup.

I take a sip of the milk before I started getting sad. There was a knock at the door and Vikk jumped up and ran to open the door.

Soon Preston came in holding a bag. Probably filled with my clothes.

"Brought you some clothes" he says handing me the bag.

"Thanks" I said as I got up and went to the bathroom. I change into the clothes which was picked nicely.

I left the bathroom and went back to the kitchen. I say back down and downed my milk. Everyone just stared at me.

"Rough morning" I said and they were just confused, except for Simon who had an understanding face on.

Sighing I grab my phone and go on Twitter. I was just surfing through it.

I get a notification telling me that I was in a tweet. I click on it to see that it was Mitch

Bajancanadian: Me and lolrainbow at no longer together.

I heard the other guys phones go off so I just get up and walk to the backyard. They had a lot of stuff in the backyard. I go and sit on the chair swing. I heard a one way telling from the house.



Preston and Jason were yelling at Mitch on the phone. I sigh as I heard the back door slam open and closed.I look up to see Vikk coming towards me. He say next to me on the swing.

"I'm sorry Mitch is such a deuchbag" he says.

"It's ok" I said. I place my head on his shoulders as the sadness finally hits me in the gut and the years fall down my face. He places his arm around me and pulls me into a hug which I gladly accept.

I ended up soaking his short with years before I calmed down. I woke the tears away.

"Thanks Vikk" I said.

"No problem" he says.

We both stand up and go to the house. He opens the door for me and I walk in. He follows. I walk through the kitchen and as I do so it gets quiet. I walk past everyone weaving myself through them and finally for to the bathroom.

I closed the door behind me. I turned the sink on and started woke my eyes 38th the water. I use the tissues and wiped the water away. I stared at myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess. I grab my brush and brushed my hair and fixed my nose ring. I brush my hand through my hair before I walk out of the bathroom.

I walk to the living room and say on the couch. I turned on their tv and watched Teen Titans. I hear footsteps and I looked up to see Josh walk into the living room. He sits next to me. We just sit There not talking. It's a nice silence though.

Teen Titans ended and we went to the kitchen. Vikk, Preston, Simon, and Jason were in there. I sit inbetween Jason and Preston. Jason patted my back as I say down.

"I'm good" I said.
"Just needed to let the tears out."

We talked for a not until Jason said We should go home. I exchanged numbers with all the sidemen.

I get in the car in the back. Preston then drive is home.

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