Chapter 11

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Me and Vikk walk out of power hour together.

"Want to come over and play some video games with me and Josh" Vikk asks.

"Sure, I'll have to tell Jason and Preston" I tell him as we get to our locker. I open my locker and grab my bag and stuff the little bit of homework in it from science. Me and Vikk walk towards the entrance.

I see Jason and Preston waiting out front. Jason had a few bruises on his face and arm.

We walk over to them.

"In gonna go over to the sidemen house, if that's okay" I said.

"Yeah it's ok, call us when you want to come home" Preston says.

"Okay" I said. Vikk and I walked one way, Preston and Jason walked the other way. When we get to the car Vikk sits on the good.

"Time to wait for Cal" he said as I jumped up next to him.

"Are you okay, from earlier today" I ask him as I look at the side of his face.

"I'm good, it was just a all push that made me fall over" he says.

"That's good" I said looking away from him and at the entrance of the school. I watch at Mitch and Jessica come out of the school, heads together like they were sharing secrets.

I see Cal right behind them. As Cal walked towards us, I watch as Mitch and Jess walk over to the football team. Then walk away with two of them following.

"Hey Vikk, Alex you going over to the sidemen house" he asks.

"Yeah" I said getting off the hood. Me and Vikk get in the back of the car.

Cal starts the car and backs out of the parking spot. He goes towards the exit while I stare out the window. That is until I see what was happening.

"Stop the car" I said to Cal. He stops the car and I jump out and run over to Preston and Jason, who were being held by the jocks as Mitch and Jess punched and kicked them.

"Leave them alone" I said as I got over to them. I hear footsteps come up behind me and stop next to me.

"And what are you gonna do about it" Mitch says punching Jason in the stomach.

"This" I said taking a step forward and punch him in the face. He stumbles back a little before he punches back.

The force makes me fall to the ground. I heard more footsteps as I stood up. You could probably feel the anger radiating off of me I was that angry.

I kick Mitch in the jewels and as he doubles over I punch him in the face again. He fall's over while I get dizzy. I grab a random shoulder. The jocks let go of Preston and Jason and they fall to the ground. I slowly take a step towards Preston and I kneel next to him. He looked exhausted and when I looked at Jason his eyes were half closed.

"Help them into Cals car" I said. Vikk comes over to me and helps me up And he keeps his arm around me as he halos me to Cals car.

I climb in the back where they put Jason and Preston. Preston was in the middle.

I fall asleep with my head on Prestons shoulder.

I wake up on a couch. I groan as i sit up to look around. I was in the sidemen house.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED" I hear Josh yell.

I then hear Vikks tiny voice say something. He gets that voice when he is getting interrogated.

I sigh as I get up and walk to the kitchen where the yells were coming from. I walk in to see an angry Josh standing over Vikk. He looked so small compared to Josh.

"What's going on here" I ask. Both their heads fling to the side to look at me.

"Nothing" Josh says quickly as he sits down at the island.

"Then explain why you were yelling at Vikk" I said going to sit across from him.

"I was just asking him a question and he was stumbling on words and I guess I got annoyed" he says before he got up and went to his room.

"Thanks" Vikk says from next to me.

"No problem, can you make me a bowl of cereal" I ask.

"Sure" Vikk says as he grabs two bowls, milk, and the cereal. He made me a bowl and made one for himself.

"Where are Jason and Preston" I ask before I take a bite of cereal.

"They are in the spare bedrooms, you were on the couch since there wasn't another spare bed and me and the guys were doing stuff in our rooms" he says.

"Okay" I said.

We finish the cereal and we went to Vikks room to play GTA 5 for a bit.

"Lets play that one" I said pointing to one" I said pointing to an easy one.

"Nope this one" Vikk says clicking on a really hard looking one.

"Fine" I said as I go back to the spare room 28th the spare Xbox and that. I put the headset on my head as I sit down.


I drive forward only to get spun out by Vikk.

"VIKK YOU PRICK" I yelled into the mic. He laughs as he continues driving.

I gave up halfway cause I couldn't do the stupid loop de loop.

"Vikk this is all your fault" I said as DNF appears on my screen. He Just laughs even more.

"Pick a..."

I head a door slam and I close my mouth.

"Alex" Vikk asks.

"Yeah" I said.

"Do you know what that was" he asks. Before I could say anything the door flings open and I scream. Ty was standing in the door way.

"Ty" I ask confused. I hear a door slam open and footsteps. I stand up and go over to him but before I could get to him he closes the door behind him and locks it.

"What are you doing" I ask as I take a step back.

"Taking back what is mine" he says looking at me.

"Ty....don't do this" I said as he walks towards me. I back away from him before I walk into the window which was open.

When he makes it to me he puts his hands on the wall on either side of my head, blocking me from the sides.

"I have missed you, I told him to go for it, only for me to feel even more pain" he says before he kisses me. I don't kiss him back. I put one of my legs out the window, making my feet stand on the roof of the porch.

I push him away as I go out the window and run across the roof. When I get to the edge I hear his feet pound into the roof. I look down to see Cals car. I sit down and slide off so I was hanging off of the roof by my hands. I heard The feet stop above me as I let go of the roof.

I fell a feet before I landed on the roof of the car. I run into the house and slam it behind me. I slid down the door as I heard feet pounding down the steps. I watch as Vikk, Josh and Simon come down the steps. I just say there. I didn't cry. I didn't move. I didn't say anything. I just looked at Vikk as our eyes lock into each other.

I need Vikk.
Without him I will disappear off the face of the earth.
I need him.
Because I love him to Pluto and back.

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