Chapter 23

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I pull my knees closer as I heard footsteps walk into the alley. When they get closer I duck in a breathe. The footsteps stop before they continue again, allowing me to see a big man with lots of tattoos staring at me.

"Well aren't you beautiful" he said before he grabs my arm and lifts me over his shoulders, making me scream. I hear footsteps running to the entrance of the alley. The guy looks at the entrance before turning around and speed walk further into the alley.

"SOMEONE HELP...VIKK, JOSH" I scream terrified of what the man was gonna do. I punch the guys back but gave up after two punches. I look up and see Josh, JJ, and Vikk running towards me. Vikk falling behind since he was smaller compared to the others. The guy stops and spins me around.

"Stop moving or she gets hurt" the guy said. I hear them stop. I turn the best I could and see the guys standing there. I use my flexibility to kick the guy in the side of the head. His grip loosens and I fall out of his grasp and into the floor. I get up to run but he grabs me by my hair and puts a hand around my neck. He turns us around and see the guys closer than before. Now there only 3 feet away really. I can tell they can see the terror in my eyes.

"Just let my sister go" Josh says putting his hands up like he was gonna tame a tiger.

"Maybe, maybe not, give me a reason why I should" the man says.

"Because she is in a crisis right now, she thinks everyone hates her and can't stand her. She thinks that she will never have a wonderful family. Especially after the last few weeks" Josh says with years falling down his face. The man pushes me towards Josh who engulfs me in a hug. I hear the loud footsteps of the man running away. I was crying again.

"I'm sorry... I caused so much trouble" I said as everone left the hug but I still held into Josh.

"Hey, it's not your fault. Its nobody's fault except for that man who tried taking you" Josh said. He pulled me along with the others to the car. He helped me in and then sits in the back with me. JJ and Vikk in front.

I put my face into Joshs shoulder and soon fall asleep.

I wake up on the second couch. I sit up and rub my eyes find dry tears on my face. I get off the couch and lazily walk over to the bathroom. I close the door and stare at myself in the mirror. I looked like a reck. I sigh as I turn on the water and get my hands wet before wiping my face with my hands. I grab a towel and wipe my face off before I walk out and to the kitchen.

I get a bowl of cereal and sit down on the stool. I take a bite of my cereal as I take out my phone and go on Twitter. I scroll through until I saw a tweet from Vikk that interested me.

I messed up guys...

Is this about me, no it couldn't be. I finished my cereal and put my bowl away before I go upstairs to my room.

I grab some clean clothes and head into the bathroom. I turn on the shower and let it run, letting it get warmer. I undress after locking the door. I step into the shower and just stand there, letting the water fall on me.

After I finish I step out and dry myself off with the towel and change. I wrap my hair up with the towel and leave the bathroom, carrying the clothes I was in This morning. I go into my room and throw my dirty clothes into the hamper. I go over to my mirror and unwrap my hair and brush it. I blow dry it before putting it up in a bun. I smile at myself before I walk to my door. I then hear a knock at the main door. JEROME.

I fling my door open and rush down the steps and fling the door open to see Jerome and Preston.

"JEROME" I scream as I hug him.

"ALEX" he yells matching my enthusiasm.

"Its been like forever" I said as I pull away.

"Arsement been a few hours" I said as I hug him.

"Yeah yeah yeah, no more last name please" he said.

"Fine....Arsement" I said pulling away. I hear footsteps come down the stairs as the guys come in.

"Hey guys" Vikk says. The guys just give him a look before he scurries off to the kitchen.

We walk into the living room to see Simon awake and sitting up.

"Hey guys" he says. I sit down on the other couch with Jerome while Preston sits down next to Simon. We talked until the guys brought up a person named Robert.

"Who's Robert" I ask.

"Oh Rob, he's a friend of ours but Preston has the biggest crush on him" Jerome says making sure Preston heard. Prestons face went red.

"I want to meet him, surely if Preston loves him so much he must be awesome" I said, making Prestons 's e go even more red. He now looks like a his minecraft skin, just without the orange and yellow specks.

"He's blushing" I whispered to Jerome and we start laughing. At that moment Prestons phone gets a call. When he looks at it His face lights up before he answers, leaving the room.

"Do they have a ship name" I ask Jerome.

"Poofless" he said.

"That's adorbs" I said. We then heard Preston say 'YES' really loudly before there was a cough. I look at Jerome for a second with a smile on my face.

Preston walks into the room, seeming very happy and excited.

"Rob asked me out on a date" he squeals.

"Ohmergersh" I said, getting up and giving him a congratulating hug.

"HASHTAG POOFLESS FOR DAYS" I scream, probably waking up the rest of the house, as the others laugh.

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