|Sacrifice and Farewell| Dio X Reader ~Mad Father~

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You are the Drevis household's head maid. You pay attention to the needs of mistress and Young mistress.

You're age is not so far apart from the young mistress if not a bit older which makes it easier on the both of you.

Being one of the oldest staff to be around the mansion, you know of some secrets each one has.


You walk to inspect the mansion. You reach one part of the mansion where the Master always stays.

"Maria, hold her still."

"Nooo... I still want to live... Aaaaaaughhh!!!"

You shiver and then clench your fist. You couldn't do anything. You knew of the Master's doings. Also about his relationship with the maid he took in.

That being part of the reason why mistress passed away, it made you hate his existence.

There was also another thing you know about. You have been seeing this boy with blond hair in the mansion for quite sometime. Sir and young mistress does not seem aware of his presence. You have been spotting him unexpectedly in some parts of the house. You only caught a glimpse of how he looks like.

He had blonde hair. That, you were sure of. But there was one time you were able to see his face. The right portion of his face was covered with bandages. He was a very mysterious boy.

You were curious as to how he was able to stay in the mansion always going unnoticed. Which is why you planned to investigate at night when the young mistress is asleep.

With a oil lamp at hand, you head to the young mistress' room. You knock twice on the door before calling out, "Young mistress?"

"Yes?" She answers from inside. You twist the door knob and let yourself in. You leave the lamp on a nearby table and sit next to her. She carried snowball in her arms and stroked its soft fur as she was sitting on the edge of her bed. "It's time to go to bed." You tell her.

"Just a bit longer." Young mistress mutters with a lonesome stare. You had a pretty good hunch as to why she looked that way.

Since her mother passed away, her father has been more engrossed in his work and spared almost no time for the poor child.

You rest your hand on her shoulder to indirectly comfort her. "Young mistress, it's almost past nine. Snowball has already fallen asleep." You urge. She nods and then leaves snowball on its pillow.

"Goodnight, mistress."

With that, you take your lamp and slowly close the door. You stare into the dark hallway feeling a strong sense of determination and curiosity.

You walk to the end of the hallway deciding which room to enter. At first you entered the library, but no one was there. When you go out, your eyes widen at the sudden contact with the blonde-haired boy.

He also looked surprised. Before you could react, he dashed to the staircase. You follow after him with the lamp still in her hand.


He didn't listen. You decide to push yourself even faster. You drop your lamp which fortunately did not break and you increase your running speed, letting your eyes adjust to the dark.

As you set foot in the main entrance, you manage to grab his collar and stop him from running. "I said wait..." You manage to say in between pants.

He stops and stares at you. "Umm..." You start but couldn't think of what to say.

"You aren't... That other maid... You're the one who always wanders the mansion at night." He says in relief. "Who are you?" You ask. He looks away as he answers, "I run errands for this family."

You raise an eye brow making the blonde more nervous. "Don't lie. I'm the head maid. I know all the staff here and there's only a few staff left." You tell him.

His eyes lit up at the word "head maid". "So you're (y/n)?" He questions. You look at him with a surprised and confused expression. "How do you--"

"I've heard about you from Monika." You look at him in disbelief. You surely have never seen this boy before and mistress has already passed away.

"How do you know the mistress?" You ask. He then explains the general situation to you, telling you that the mistress trusts you with knowing this.

"I already know what master Alfred has been doing, but I never thought of the possibility that the young mistress may be harmed." You say mostly to yourself.

"Please do guard Aya." He pleads sincerely. You nod in response.

"I will..."


How did it come to this? Even though you knew what would have happened.

You and Aya had to run from the master who was holding a red chainsaw. "Aya~!" He cooes. "Young mistress, hurry!"

By this time, you had to leave Maria as she would drag the both of you down. You knew that the master was sure to kill the young mistress if you would stall.

Just as we enter the next room, a doll clings on to the young mistress' foot. You pry it away with all your strength. But when she is finally free, you suddenly feel intense pain as if something ripped through your chest.

In which, something acrually did cut through your chest. The sharp blades of the chainsaw made your instant pain into a lasting torture. But that didn't matter.

You fall on your knees as you cough up blood. "No... Young mistress... Run..!" You try to yell but to no avail.

He pulls out the chainsaw that walks over to the young mistress. "Mistress... No...! AYA, RUN!" You force a scream as he was about to swing the chainsaw down at her. Just then, a couple of knives stab the master.

You turn back to see Maria which made you smile. "I'm glad..." You fall over to the ground. Maria and Aya rush over to you.

"(y/n)..." Maria looks at you with sad eyes while Aya was on the verge of tears.

"Thank goodness... You're here... Take care of Aya... I-I... It's too late... For me..." You mutter, breathing harshly from time to time. Maria tries to stop the bleeding, but it was too much.

"Just go... Before anything bad happens." Maria nods taking the young mistress away.

You lie down on your stomach, your left cheek against the floor. You watch as fire later starts to spread. You could feel the tears fall as you smile.

Your vision starts to fail. Everything looks blurry. But it's just enough for you to tell who was walking towards you. "It's you..." You whisper which was followed by a cough of blood.

He carries you past the flames. You try to look at him, but your vision is almost completely gone.

"Thank you. I have a final wish."

"What is it?"

"Let me burn with this mansion."
You could tell that he was shocked, even though you couldn't see it well. "Why?" He asks.

"I've witnessed the deaths of many. I didn't do anything. At least let me do this for them." You manage to whisper.


He sets you down. You carress the left side of his face that was covered. "I can't see you anymore."

Just like that, your hand fell to the floor. It was over.


He watches as the mansion burns from outside. He touches his face still feeling the warmth from your touch.


A/N: Not much romance here but I still hope you enjoyed this. Still have three requests to go and one which I wanted to write for myself.

By the way, requests are open until Valentine's Day.

Indie Horror RPG Maker Games (one shots) [C L O S E D]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang