|A Woman For A Day| Efina X Leo ~ LiEat I ~

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I skip around the isolated town. I stop in front of the house that Bret and the captain were staying in. "The report should be...." They were talking about their work.

I decided not to enter. They seemed quite busy. I skipped to the library to see Leo. I hugged him from behind with a relaxed face. "Papa! Let's play!" I whine while tugging on his coat. "I told you to call me Leo here. I need more info for me to sell. Just go wander around the town." He said.

I pout.  I look at him with a vulnerable expression. "Leo, do you hate me?" I ask more serious than last time. "Yeah! I hate your guts." He answers. I become more upset. He sighs.

"I already told you, why would I bring you around with me if I hated you?" He points out. My eyes lights up with happiness. I grin and then skip away from him. "I'll go wander around the town!" I inform.

I was skipping once again. Bret was right outside the door. I go over to his direction. His eyes turn to me. "Efi? Is there anything I can do for you?" He asks.

"I just wanna talk!" I answer directly. "Sorry. I have to test this potion I found at a tree nearby this town." He says. My eyes light up in excitement. "I wanna try!"I exclaim. He rubs the back of his head then sighs. He regains his composure. "Alright. It's not harmful, but it might have a huge effect." He warns, hoping to discourage me. "It's fine!" I reply.

He sighs again. "I guess there's no stopping you." He mutters. He leads me to a drawer inside the house. He takes out a small glass bottle with a glowing blue liquid in it. He cautiously hands it over to me. I pull out the cork and drink half of it in one gulp. Darkness starts to engulf me.

A few minutes after that, I woke up in someone's bed. "E-Efina?" Bret stammers. "Hmm?"

He gets a small pocket mirror and puts it in front of me. I gaze at my reflection then I gaped. "Woah!" I suddenly became all feminine and grown up. I look about Bret's and Keith's age.

"I look so pretty!" I squeal delightfully. "Why is this part sort of heavy?" I ask while crossing my arms. "What part?" Bret asks. "This." I say as I put my hand in front of my chest. Bret turned really red after that. "W-Who knows?" He stutters. I tilt my head in confusion.

"I need to head back now! Papa might be waiting  for me!" I say in a rush. "I still wonder why you call him that..." Bret mutters.

I ran to the house on the left which was where Leo and I stayed in for a couple of nights. I went in and hugged Leo from behind. "Leo!"

He turns back and looks at me with a puzzled expression. "Papa, do you recognize me?" I ask while bending forward with my hands at the back. "E-Efi?!" He stammers. I let out a giggle.

I really got to thank this potion.


"E-Efi?!" I stammer. She lets out a giggle which is suprisingly very cute and attractive.

"You know what? I asked Bret to let me drink a potion. Everything turned black for a moment then I woke up like this!" She explains. I Ignore her and look away then got on my bed. I hide myself under the sheets to avoid staring at Efi.

Suprisingly, Efi goes under the same blanket and looks at me. "Hey, Leo. Do you like me?" She asks. I look away as I answer, "I gave you my answer before." She frowns. "You said you only like beer, money, and women." She pouts. She moves closer and leans closer to my ear.

"Am I... Considered a woman now?" She questions. I look away even more to hide my blush. "No, you're still a brat." I answer with no hesisation. "Hmph!"

"Go to your own bed!" I scold sternly. "Not a chance!" She replies. "A girl shouldn't be sleeping next to a guy!" I exclaim. "I'm not a girl! I'm just an annoying brat! It's fine!" I taunt then stick my tongue out. "Blehhhh."

"Efi, that's just childish............. and cute..." I say, but whisper the last part. There was silence after that. "If I'm annoying then just say so." My eyes widen at her sentence. "I really can't tell if you're lying or not... I'll just go to bed." She says blankly.

She gets out of the covers and goes to her bed. I sigh softly. I slowly get out of bed and look at her resting figure.

I can't let it end this way.


I lie down on my bed and stare at the wall. I was already on the verge of tears. I don't know why. There are so much things I don't know.

I suddenly feel someone sitting on the edge of my bed. "Efi..." He mutters. Tears escape my eyes. I start to sob uncontrollably. He looks at me with a shock and pained expression. "Efi, come here." He says in a comforting manner.

I lean my head on his chest and start to sob and cry. "I-I... love you... L-Leo." I stutter in between sobs. He tilts my chin upwards, making me look directly into his amber eyes. "Me too." 

Our lips make contact. He brushes my tears away.We pulled away with slightly blushing faces. "Even if I turn back to my real age, will you still like me?" I ask. "I can't do what I did today. That would consider me as a lolicon or even a pedophile." He explains. "Pediofine? Lollipop?" I question. He flicks my head. "Work on your knowledge." He says.

"And my reply to your question..... Efi is an exception. I'll wait for you no matter what. I'm only saying this once." He answers with sincerity. I start to grin like an idiot. He flicks my forhead again. "Ow!"

"You should get sleep, Efi." He tells me. I smile.

"Mmh. Fine. When I wake up, you have to be next to me so that I won't think it was a dream." I tell him.

"I can do that." He says.  "Sure you can..." I reply.


"Goodnight, Efi. Sweet dreams" He whispers and then leans closer to my face and kisses my forehead.

"I love you."

A/N: OMG! I've been writing confession scenarios recently. I wrote this, because I finished playing LiEat i and ii just today. I started LiEat i yesterday though. It's just that I finished the game today. I really liked the story. Both Efina and Leo(or whatever his real name is) are so kawaiiiii! ♡♥♡♥♡ XD >,< I ship them a lot. Anyways, if there are any readers out there then hope you like this chapter.


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