We know one thing for sure, their hate of dragons and humans. If anything they hate the humans more then us dragons. Cenna says, she continues and looks over at me One more thing, they hate dragon riders and will kill you on sight if they had the chance.

Her words might of worried some but it didn't faze me like it should of. Let them come for me I thought If one does I'll be ready.

Cenna where do you think they will attack next? Ember asks. I fear the same as Ember I don't want any other coves getting hurt if we can predict their next move then we might be able to save lifes.

"If there is anywhere you can think I will go their personally to protect to protect it, I won't have any more lives lost." I say with determination to protect the ones I care for. The other dragons nod in agreement.

They have already attacked the dragons, as far as we know they are not aware of your existence, and I can really only think of one place they would attack next. Cenna says. I connected the dots and realize exactly what she is talking about.

"No"I simply state. Even after the statement I just made I couldn't live up to it if we were going to go there.

We must Scarlet, think of all the innocents that would die if we didn't help them, Ember says calming me down a bit.

"After everything they have done to us do you really want to help them?" I ask seeking guidance from my closest friend.

Yes, I think it might be wise to show we bare no grudge and help them know and avoid all future conflict with them, Ember says make a valid point. Even with all the good we would be doing there was still a part of me that was reluctant. I let myself sink into deep thought. I sighed.

"Alright," I announce in a commanding voice,"I want our warriors spread out evenly, protecting the coves. Those that remain will come with me. I leave it up to you what you shall do. I will leave at day break tomorrow those joining me with meet me at the cliffs overlooking the ocean." With that I walked out of the Great Cave.

A/N: I really wanted to stop here but I'm in a good mood I'll write some more ;)

My bow and quiver of arrows crossed on my back. I had 6 throwing knifes strapped to my belt and 2 longer daggers sticking slightly out of my boots. I may have had one or 2 knifes up my sleeves nothing wrong with being prepared. I packed nothing but weapons and a few rations. I sat on a rock near the edge of the cliff, wearing my usual black scale armor I sharpened one of my arrows and waited for the sun to rise. The cool breeze blew my long hazel hair back. I heard the sound of many dragons landing behind me. Their was at least 50. I smiled at Astrid, she was the lead warrior, a medium size dragon with scales that reminded of a blazing fire. Astrid lowered her neck a bit so I could climb on.

"Come on guys lets go save some people." I shout to the other dragons. We take off towards the place I once called home.

Aaron POV

I sat at my desk, reading a report of recent dragon sightings near the edge of town. According to the report it was too dark to see the dragons size, color and it was to fast to shoot down. I sighed and put in one of the many piles of papers on my desk. I don't understand how my dad did it, with him not being around I had to learn how to run things by myself which wasn't easy. I wish he was here to help me. Memories came flooding back, I remembered what he did. All of terrible things he did, then Scarlet, Scarlet. Was I mad at her? I asked myself more often I should. The truth was I didn't know, Scarlet had disappeared 5
years ago along with most of the dragons too. Their had been no reported sightings of her ever since. I had made a lot of changes of course, for example once I found out about what happens to the students if the fail the final exam, I quickly set up another school so that if a person did fail they would be sent there for extra schooling until they could pass the final. Another thing was about the dragon riders. There hadn't been anyone in the society that was a dragon rider that I know of at least. In school one the first thing the kids learnt was about the dragons, not the fake ones that were heartless, but the ones Scarlet described as her family. The kids also learnt about Scarlet what she did, how she did it. The kids had begun to call her the "Dragon Queen" I almost laughed at the thought. The kids had no idea how right they were, from what I had seen the dragons would follow Scarlet to the ends of the Earth.

I thought of where she might be and if she would ever come back. This time I did laugh, Scarlet would probably never come back she hates this place. She hates the memories that live here, heck she might hate me too. I thought back to the last time I saw her. She was furious being crossed by my father like that. She still shook my hand and kept to her word all this time. My thoughts were interrupted by a soldier running into me office, with a bow and quiver in hand.

"Sir we've got trouble and I mean a lot of it." He said frantically and handed me my weapon. Just because I sat behind a desk for most of my day didn't mean I wasn't the best shot or the best dragon slayer, a feat that over time I had seen as less and less important after Scarlet leaving. We ran out of the front doors to see multiple black dragons with red eyes circling the city as they breathed fire. They weren't close enough to burn anything down but by the looks of it they wanted to. Other soldiers tried to bring one dragon down but failed to get a shot near any dragon. I drew a dragon arrow from my quiver and aimed for the closest dragon. I made a direct hit to where it heart was but the arrow that was meant to do serious damage bounced off harmlessly. The dragon turned its head and looked at me with these cruel eyes. Opps I think I pissed it off . The dragon flew straight for me and right then and there I thought I was going to die.

It was all  blur at first but then I realized what was happening. I saw dragons of different colors charge in and fight against the bigger dragons. The dragons that was flying full speed at me was knocked off course by a fiery red dragon and a woman standing a top of its back bow drawn and aiming at the dragons eye. She hit her target dead on and the dragon she was riding clawed at their opponent. The red dragon took one more powerful swipe and the black scaled dragon fell to the ground. The girl riding on top of the dragon was moving up and down the back of the dragon shooting arrows at other enemy dragons. The wind caught her familiar long brown hair. She was dressed in dragon scales. I saw her eyes once, they were filled with fire. I couldn't decide if the fire was passion or rage, maybe both I wasn't sure. I was sure of one thing though, the Dragon Queen had returned.


So yeh, that's the end. I hope you all enjoyed that chapter. That was a long chapter, for me anyway. Okay, well bye! See you in the next chapter.

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