"God, I love you." Jake states gazing into my eyes.

"I love you too." I whisper closing my eyes and nuzzling closer.

• • •

A bright white glow shines into my eyes, a loud ring through my ears. My throat burns, body sore, no sense of knowing, or feeling. I didn't land it. I had landed it almost a thousand times before, so why now. Why not land when I needed to the most. This had to have been set up. Somebody wants me out of the run, somebody wants me unable to ever be a gymnast again. I will find out who, if I make it at least. Otherwise, goodbye everything. I slightly glance down- blood. I blink and everything moves. I see faces above me, Mom, Dad, Jake, Coach, a few faces I don't know, but they're all talking. I watch their lips move but I can't hear anything other than a faint buzzing. I slowly glance back to my side, my once gold leotard, now covered in blood. My eyelids become heavy and threaten to close.

"Keep your eyes open!" It sounds so distant. A numbness spreads through my injured body and it gets harder to keep my eyes open.

"Come on Jaz! Keep your eyes open!" Jake... "Jazmine come on!"

I came so close to landing, but somebody messed it all up. I was so close. So, so, close. My eyes start drooping more. I get a sharp pain in both of my sides, the numbness that was once there, gone. The pain helps keep my eyes open, but blood is everywhere. My vision dots then comes back into focus. A paramedic at my side holding something against my sides, another taking my vitals and hooking machines into me, then Mom almost in tears, but more content at me.

Second Hope (Jacob Black) [2]Where stories live. Discover now