Chapter sixteen.

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Alexandra's Pov.

The rest of it is really a blur to me. All I really remember is Ryder coming to me, until everything really went blank. I am having a hard time piecing the whole thing together. I am currently in a hospital bed, with some mild pain. They gave me something for the pain but other than that no one has really examined me yet.

Ryder sits by my side holding my hand while he texts dad to tell him what's going on.

"It's too early. I'm not ready." I say.

"It's probably false labor Alex. Don't worry, everything will be okay." Ryder says.

"I'm just scared, it's to early. I don't have a plan! I'm doing this all alone!" I scream at him.

"You're not alone this Alex, don't think that for another minute. I'm right here, every step of the way. I'm here for you. Remember that." He says to me.

"She doesn't deserve this life Ryder. I thought I could give her everything, be the best I could be, but ever since I found out that Jackson raped me, I've been so confused. I can't sleep at night, knowing that she is his baby. She deserves a better in life, than what I can give to her. She needs a family that will love her and give her the best than what I can give her. She doesn't deserve to know the truth." I say.

"Do you love her?" He asks me.

"Yes, with everything I have." I say. 

"That's all she'll need Alex. She needs all the love you can give to her. She doesn't have to know about the truth. That's something you can keep hidden, but Alex you need to remember, she's your baby too." He says.

"I, I just don't know anything anymore." I say I move my hand though my hair.

The doctor walks in a few minutes later. He is a bit older than dad, but still has a young look to him.

He scans my chart before he says, "Alexandra? If I am correct?"

"That's me." I say.

"Hello Alexandra, I am Doctor Pierce. If I am correct you came in with supposed contractions?" He asks.

"Yes." I reply.

"Well, if I am reading my chart right, you are currently thirty-three weeks pregnant?" He says

"Yes." I say.

"Well, do you mind if I examine you?" He asks in a polite manner.

"Not at all." I say.

And with that he proceeds to examine my bottom. It hurts a little, but not as much as I thought it would. A few minutes later the examine of my bottom is done. I wipe away the tear that fell down my cheek.

"Well, I have some good not so good news to tell you." He says.

"What's that?" I respond.

"Well, you're definitely in labor, four centimeters to be exact, but the good news is that we can stop it, if you daughter is not low." He says.

"That's great." Ryder says.

"Well, I would also like to do an ultrasound to how low the baby is. Is that alright?" He asks me

"Yes, that's fine." I say as I lift my gown up.

He squirts the gel on to my stomach, I move slightly because it's a little chilly. He starts to move the probe around my stomach. I grip Ryder's hand tighter. I look away from the screen and whisper to Ryder, "Does everything look okay?"

"How about you look for yourself." He says pointing at the screen.

I look at the screen and tears start flooding down my face. I look at screen and fall in love with Violet over again, but I don't feel like that's her name anymore, but I could care less about that right now. I'm just happy she is okay.

"Well, Alexandra, I have some shocking news for you." He says to me.

"Is something wrong?" I ask with a lot of concern.

"Well, it looks like you're having twins. Mono twins, meaning that they share a placenta, umbilical cord, and amniotic sac." He says.

"So I'm not having one girl but two?" I question in shock.

"It appears so. It also looks like both the babies are very low, your in full active labor. I am gonna need to perform an emergency C-Section."

"What? I'm not ready? Why can't you just stop my labor?" I ask in panic.

"Well according to the ultrasound the babies are really low which is causing your pain. I'm gonna do another quick pelvic exam, to see if I can feel anything else, if I do then I have no choose but to deliver the babies today."

"But they're not ready to come out yet, there not ready at all. I'm not ready at all."

"Alexandra, just calm down. I'm going to check you now. Okay?"

I nod and grab ahold of Ryder's hand. This is the time I wish Jackson was with me doing this but he's not. I honestly wish this wasn't happening.

"Alexandra, it looks like your gonna be come a mom today. I am gonna go get nurses so they can prep you. I see you in the delivery room." He says as he exits the room.

"Ryder, I'm not ready for this."

"I know, I know, but I'll be her for you every step of the way. It's gonna be okay Alex. I promise you. It's all gonna be okay."

"Can you do one last thing for me?"

"What is it?" Ryder questions.

"Call Jackson for me."


I know. I know. Long time no update? Schools being kicking my ass that I even forget about my books I have out there. But it's spring break and I thought I finish this chapter and update for you guys.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Don't forget to point out any grammatical or spelling errors!







Word count: 993

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