Chapter fourteen.

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Picture of Ryder above ^^^

Alexandra's Pov.

Three days later, I am discharged from the hospital. Physically I am perfectly fine, but mentally I have a lot of question I want answered. After seeing Sandy in coma like state and finding out the truth, I really just want to hear the rest of the truth from my parents. I really just want to be with my sister after all these years, because I thought she was dead but she is actually alive. I really just want my sister right now, no one else.

We put into the driveway of the house, I see a banner that says welcome home Alex and Hunter. I smile a bit as I hold on to my little bump. Violet moves constantly now she is like a little ninja, but lately she loves kicking my rib cage, it hurts some, but I enjoy it. I exit out of the car and grab my bag from the trunk. Dad comes over to me and rubs my back.

"Do you help with that?" He asks.

"I'm almost six months pregnant, I think I can carry backpack." I say as I smile into the house.

I walk into a quiet kitchen but nicely organized kitchen. I walk to the living room to see Ryder and Hunter napping on the couch. Hunter lays silently in his playpen. I put the backpack down, quietly, and walk over to the playpen. Look down at him. He sleeps peacefully. I stoke his brown smoothly and just smile. I can't believe this is gonna happen to me in just three months and a half months.

I walk away a bit later, grab my backpack, and head up the stairs to my room. Nothing has really changed in my room. Nothing moved, just the way I left it, five days earlier. I set my backpack down by my desk and head over to my bed and lay down. I just look up to the ceiling until I see complete darkness.

A bit later I feel someone patting my arm. I slowly open my eyes to see Ryder and Dad. I rub my eyes and sit up.

"How long was I out?" I ask stretching my arms.

"About a few hours." Ryder says to me.

Him and Dad's looks don't look good at all. The both have the I want to kill someone but feel bad for you look. I haven't seen this look since.... Oh fuck.

"What's wrong?" I ask with a thump in my throat.

"Alexandra." Dad says.

Dad doesn't call me that ever unless I am in trouble or he has something bad to tell me. Ryder just looks at me in the eyes.

"Dad, we should wait." Ryder says.

"Wait for what? What do you have to tell me?" I question even more scared than I was before.

"Alexandra, now this may shock, and confuse you, but it is completely understandable." He pauses before he takes a deep breath, "They found your rapist." He says as he grabs my hand.

"They did?' I say as a tear falls down my cheek, "Who is it?"

Ryder and dad just look at each other than look back at me.

"Who was it you can tell me." I say.

"Alex.." Ryder starts, "It's was Jackson, he raped you." He says as he looks at the floor.

My heart suddenly falls out of chest and on to the floor. I don't believe it. I don't want to believe it. I start bailing. Dad pulls me in for a hug, I lay my head on his shoulder. Ryder joins the hug to.

How could he do this? Why would he do this? My head floods with questions. I want them answered and I want them answered now.

"Where is he?" I say as I lift my head from my dad's shoulder. 

"Lex he's in jail, the got him an hour ago. We just got the call about fifteen minutes ago." Ryder says as he looks at me. 

I just cry even more. I hold my stomach and felt Violet kick. She doesn't deserve a life like this. Knowing that her father raped me, and what even kills me even more is that she won't even get know him, because after finding out this I want nothing to do with him. 

"Can I please be alone? I need to think about a few things." I say as I wipe away my tears. 

"Of course you can. You can have all the time you need." Dad says as he kisses my forehead. 

Soon him and Ryder exit my room. Leaving me to wonder.. 

What the hell am I gonna do now?


You probably all hate me now. 

I'm sorry, but the story has been this way since minute one

I just want to spice things up a bit. 


I will not be updating next week because of midterms. 


Don't be afraid to point out any spelling or grammatical errors. 






-Chelsea :)

Life Unexpected? {Sequel to Innocence} {Complete} Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz