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Alexandra's Pov.

"Aviana, Azlynn come on get up, your gonna be late for your first day of senior year." I say.

"Ugh, I don't want to." Aviana says

"Do you want to be a doctor?" I ask her.

"Yes." She says with a groan.

"Then you have to go to school. So get up and get ready." I say.

I walk out of the twins room and head to Adrianna's room.

"Adrianna, honey, come you have to get up, it's your last first day of middle school. Come on get up." I say rubbing her back.

I walk of her room and head down stairs to be meet with my husband, Isaiah.

"Did you get the girls up?" He asks kissing my head.

"Yes. Aviana threw the normal I don't want to get up fit, just like her dad." I say.

"Well at least she got your beautiful looks." He says kissing me.

"Ew, get a room." Azlynn says as she sits down at the table.

"We have a room, and I hope you don't with Chase." I say.

"We don't." She says.

I've learned to protected and teach my girls how to actually use protection with sex. So far we haven't had a teen pregnancy, but I can't be to sure with Azlynn, she is the wild rebellious child. When Aviana is more so quite, smart, and more focused on her studies. Adrianna on the other hand is very talkative and respects others.

Speaking of my life, I met Isaiah when the twins were six months old and have been together since. I graduated high school and got accepted into the University of Madison Wisconsin. I mean it was hard move cross country with two kids and a little income but we made it work. I ended up graduating with my general degree in education and science.

After I landed my first job, at South High School, I ended up finding out I was pregnant again! This time with Adrianna Rose Ortiz-James. She was perfect and shortly after me and Isaiah ended up getting engaged! And a few months later, we got married, and our family was complete. Three girls and a great husband later. I am living the life I have always wanted. We now currently reside in Settle Washington.

Jackson is very active in the twins life. Of course they don't know about what happened between us, but I honestly think it's for the best. He currently resides in Seattle as well with his wife and two sons.

As for Ryder, he ended up dating a few girls after Hunters birth but none were every up to the challenge of handling a child. He eventually meet and married Madison, he now resides in Portland, Oregon with Hunter and his daughter Amelia.

For Alesanda, she currently resides in San Diego, California with dad and mom and is currently engaged to he boyfriend if four years, Joseph.

"You know how well I've taught you to protect yourself from being pregnant at this age. I don't want you to end up like me, your grandmother, and your great grandmother." I say.

"I know mom I know. We're using protection and I'm on the pill which I take regularly. Don't worry. We're being safe." I say.

"Good, the best way to be safe is to not have sex." I say.

"Mom!" She says.

"I'm just saying." I say.

"Trust me were being safe." She says .

"I trust you baby girl, now go get your sisters we need to leave or were gonna be late." I say.

"Okay." She says.

"Can you believe how far we've come?" Isaiah asks me.

"No I can't. It's really remarkable how far we've come. I hope to keep making it unbelievable, to believe. I just can't wait to see what more of this future holds."

The end.

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