
The next day Me and the girls woke up early to get ready for training. Even though I was pregnant I was still planning on helping the packs train.

Standing outside with three blow horns I gave the girls the signal while I sat back and waited. A lot of tired and grumpy werewolves came stumbling out of the pack house and the other surrounding houses.

" Good morning Wolves!" I said with a fake cheery voice before I turning cold. " You have ten minutes to get ready for training and just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I'm going to go easy on you." The boy's and my pack groaned while the rest of the packs looked confused with sleep still in their eyes.

Six hours later sweaty wolves littered the front lawn. I listened to the girls give them praises and discipline. Some of the other alphas offered to give extra training for wolves who wanted and needed more help, surprisingly a good chunk of exhausted wolves chose to stay.

After everything was cleaned up me and the girls went up to my old office and started planning different attack plans on the rouges. After about an hour the girls' conversation shifted to the next generation of elementals.

Every generation is different in the way they are conceived. For our generation, we were all born from different mothers, but the next generation will come from a set of quadruplets. The genders are completely random, however, the past five generations have been women. Every few generations there is a fifth elemental if the moon goddess decides we need another person in the mix. However, she or he comes from a completely different family and there is only a fifth elemental if the generation is born from different parents. He or she ends up with a random power.

Since the next generation is born from the same mother, we separate the kids. Each elemental takes the kids with them to their pack. After the age of eight, they spend four years in each pack. When they come of age we reintroduce them.

" I want whichever one has fire." Says Ariella

" As if, I'm sure Dylan will be getting whoever has fire. I personally want whoever has earth, " says Evangeline.

I slowly stand up and go to look out of the window since a fight is about to break out between them. Right on cue I hear growls and yelling. Looking out of the window I let the fight go on for a few more minutes till I intervene.

" Enough girls. We don't have a choice of which child we train. They could be your opposite element or your own element, the wolf chooses, " I state firmly

" Yes Alpha," They each say bowing their heads respectively

Sighing I nod my head and sit back down. Taking out a timer from my desk drawer.

" Now in about 42 hours, we should be expecting a visitor from the rouges. I want everyone aware of this. She will be pregnant with the possible next generation. "

" Wait how could another woman be pregnant with the next generation, unless..."

"Yes there is a fifth elemental, why she hasn't gotten to us sooner I don't know, But the goddess sent her to us and we will treat her with the same respect we treat each other. Ive already seen her arrival and she doesnt seem to be in good shape. Now go and tell Alphas to be ready for her arrival,"

" Yes Alpha." They said nodding. I nod my head back then walk out the room. This will be a long, stressful 42 hours.


The Rejected Always Return (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now