Twilightstar's POV

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I was in darkness I couldn't see anything I could hear everything around me I heard my deputy and Death my son talking. My son is leaving I can't let that happen he's my boy my son I love him he's blaming himself for what happened to me but it's not his fault it's Scourge he is the one that attacked me no Death.

How can a cruel tom like Scourge be the father of such a brave strong and wonderful tom like Death is nothing like Scourge the only thing they have in common is their eyes and that's it.

I tried my best to open my eyes but it's not working I'm still to weak. I felt something nuzzle me gently and I knew it was Death the he spoke. "I'm leaving now Twilightstar you were always like a mother to me I'm leaving to keep you and the clan safe I'm strong enough to fend for myself and I'll come back when the time is right and when I know Scourge is dead. (He snarled) I can't believe that bastard attacked you he will pay mother I have to go now mother I love you please get better soon goodbye...."

I heard his paws hit the ground as he left I silently cried I had just lost my son even though he isn't by blood he is still my son and he just left please Starclan watch over my son and keep him self please.

A month later....

I'm not sure how long I've been asleep but I feel better now I can hear others walking around the medicden I finally get enough strength to open my eyes and when I do I see one of the medic cats tending to the herbs.

I clear my throat and she turned around shocked I just smile at her weakly she gets up and brings some water and food for me. After I have eaten and drank the water I feel much better I then ask her to get my deputy and she does. Not even 20 seconds later I hear paws pounding on the ground and I then see him slide through the den I chuckle slightly at his eagerness to see me.

"How is the clan doing Deputy is everything good? Has there been any ambushes or fights while I was out???" He shook his head no then he spoke. "No it's I don't know if you should hear this I mean you just woke up its been a month since the ambush with Scourge and all..." I gave him my best glare and told him to tell me. "Fine it's Death he has joined a small group of toms that go sneaking around all kinds of clans and mate with unmated she-cats and then just leave he doesn't stay with them he just leaves them...." I looked at my deputy shocked then anger and disappointment washes over me.

"No I will not believe it Death is a better tom than that he would never do that ever I-" I was cut off by him. "He's leading that group of toms Twilightstar right now they are in the east but are traveling back here then they will head towards Bloodclan I guess he wants to hit that camp either to attack or to mess with Scourge either way Death has change and it's not for the better Twilightstar I'm so sorry."

I looked at him tears threatening to fall but I wouldn't allow it I then spoke. "I want my son back we will attack that group but keep Death alive kill all the other toms in that group I will not have my son to live kind of life..." He then nods and agreed. "I want patrol to be doubled and I want to be updated on them if they are in our territory we will attack them then but keep Death alive am I clear Deputy?" He nodded I than dismissed him and he left I looked up at the sky and ask Starclan y did they turn my son into a monster but then I realized I will see him soon and he will be back to normal I smiled at that thought.

Don't worry Death you will be good as new soon I miss you so much my son. I said to my self I than got up and padded off to High-Rock and went to sleep. Tomorrow is a new day.

Hey everyone sry I have not updated lately my mom has breast cancer so ice been busy with that and right now we r at the hospital for her surgery so yea I should be able to update again soon and did y'all like the change of the POV. If y'all want a POV of someone else in this story let me know and I'll do that alright well that's all for now don't forget to LIKE and COMMENT.

Bye guys!!!

The Story Of Death A Tom In BloodclanWhere stories live. Discover now