Death's new family

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Yesterday I promised Solstice I'd come back today and we would meet at the river I never got there becuz I was attack by a badger.

I was fighting the badger then I got hit by its claws and the next thing that happens everything goes black when I woke up I was in a nest of moss. I looked around and saw 4 medic cats around the herbs and another cat with cobwebs around there wounds.

I moved a lil and winced I had a lot of pain on my shoulder when i looked up I saw the 4 medics looking at me and smiling, I smiled back and i ask where was and they said Iceclan camp.

I was shocked I shook my head and they looked worried then I ask."what's wrong?" They said nothing was wrong then I realized that I never told them my name.

"I'm so so so sorry my name is Death I was from Bloodclan but my father exiled me at 2 moons old so I've been surviving on my own."

They looked sad to hear about my past but then smiled cause they now knew I was safe here one of them left to go get their leader. When the medic came back she smiled then I looked at the exit and then I saw a cat walk in.

The cat that walked in was the leader but the leader was a shecat. I felt weird having a new clan with a she cat as the leader but I shrugged it off she told me her name was Twilightstar I smiled at her and she returned the smile

She came over to me and played next to me it felt weird having a she cat lay next to me like a mother but I was to tired to say anything I just walked up to her and snuggled into her fur on her side. She curled her tail around me as I drift off to sleep the last thing I remember was her smiling at me.

5 months later

"Man I feel so much better!!" Said a tom I looked at my friend and chuckled then I spoke. "Stripetail your so weird sometimes." I said trying to hold back a laugh he then looked at me and smirked

"Really I'm the weird one Death at least I didn't get stuck in a vole hole." He said chuckling my smile dropped into a frown and just started at him giving one of my famous death glares, he stop chuckling at gave me his 'I'm sorry look'.

I just chuckled and said "its ok I forgive you." We kept doing are patrol in the forest until my ears twitched and swurvled around trying to hear Stripetail must have sensed it cause he was ready to attack. Next thing we know 3 warriors jumped out of the trees and ambushed us.......


The Story Of Death A Tom In BloodclanWhere stories live. Discover now