Chapter 12 (updated)

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(3rd person P.O.V)

As her eyes flutter open the pain stops. "(Y/n)?" Yui says from the door, and comes up to the bed. "What's happened?" (Y/n) asks and sit up. "Uh you've been passed out for a few days." Yui looks down at her hands, then her cell phone rings. She grab it and look at the number, it was her mother Sarah who she haven't seen since she was six.

Me: "Hello?"

S: "(Y/n) my beautiful girl is it you?"

Me: "Um yea, mom?"

S: " I talked to your father and he told me where you were. I'm staying in town and would like to meet up with you."

Me: "Really after 11 years you want to come back into my life. You left me and dad"

She starts tearing up and listens to what her mom's says.

S: "please (Y/n) just come meet me. I have so much to tell you, it's important.

Sarah sounded desperate and was crying through the phone.

Me: "fine where would you like to meet?"

S: "Oh thank you meet me in the Cafe by the bank. Can u meet me tomorrow?"

Me: "Can you do today?"

S: "Of course, how about 3pm?"

Me "yea that's good bye."

S: "goodbye."

(Y/n) wipes her eyes and stands up, Yui looking at her questionly. "Yui I'm leaving to town in a little bit, and I need your help to distract the guys." She says and Yui nods. "Ok I'll do what I can." (Y/n) hugs her and says, "thank you I'm going to change."

(Y/n) goes to change and Yui walks outside of the room. Ayato was standing there and called Yui over to him, "Oi pancake is (Y/n) awake?" Yui walks closer and thinks for a minute, she shakes her head and Ayato frowns walking away.

Yui walks through the halls and ends up in a dark room with a pool table and a dart board. "Well hello little bitch." She turns seeing Laito at the door, "L...Laito." He walks closer to her and grabs her neck.

"You lied to Ayato. It's so obvious when you tell a lie," He says as she gasps for air. "I...I." Suddenly the door slammed open, "what the hell are you doing Laito?" (Y/n)s voice sounded through the room. Laito let go of Yui and stared at the girl in the doorway. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail and she had a black longsleeved shirt with lace down the shoulders to her wrist on. Instead of her usual skirt she's wearing a dark blue pair of jeans, and short black boots.

Laito looks her up and down and she just glares at him. "Well well well my little bitch is awake." He says and steps closer to her. She looks behind him at Yui and turns away from the room.

(Y/n) walks away from the room and to the front door. She looks around and sees none of the brothers, she opens the door quickly and made a run for it. She tried to unlatch the gate but it had the lock on it, "Really." She said eyeing the fence. Cursing under her breath she ran to a different part of the gate, and started climbing. At the top she the spikes were sharper than she thought, she climbed it quickly and efficiently getting over them with only a few cuts on her hands. From grabbing the spikes.

(Y/n) jumped down from the top and landed on the hard ground on her feet. She ran all the way to town, and tried to find the bank. "Are you lost miss?" A kind looking old man asked her as she passed a restaurant. (Y/n) eyed him and nodded, "yes can you help me find the Cafe near the bank?"

"Oh sure two blocks down and the banks on your left. Then right by it is the Rosewater Cafe." He says and she bows her head, "thank you sir." He tipped his hat and she walked in the direction he gave her. She sees the Cafe come into view and takes a deep breath. "You can do this." She whispers to herself.

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