Chapter 9: Meeting the Client

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. I only own my OCs.


As predicted we made it to the lord's house in three days. I was exhausted and I really wanted to just take a shower and take a nice long nap, but we had to meet with our employer first. When we walked up to the front of what was a huge mansion, we were stopped by two guards and after notifying them why we were here they escorted us to the house. They led us inside and I was floored by the interior decorating it had. A large crystal chandelier hang from the ceiling and a rosewood colored grand staircase greeted us in the front room. Peering to the right of me, I could see a cozy and nicely furnished family room and to the left of me I could see that there was an expensive looking dinning room. I felt tapping on my shoulder, and saw him motioning that we needed to follow the guards again. The guards led us down one of the downstairs hallway until they stopped in front of one of the doors at the end of the hall.

One of the guards knocked on the door. "Lord Yutaka, your clients are here," the guy announced, through the door.

"Send them in," a muffled voice said in return.

The guard opened the door, and let us go in. We filed in the room, Zabuza first, then Haku and lastly me. Entering the room, I could see a man who looked to be in his late forties, early fifties sitting behind a mahogany hued ornate designed desk. His brown eyes were stern, but held a certain friendliness to them. His chestnut colored hair was sprinkled with strands of gray, which actually suited him. He smiled at us, and I could see that his teeth were perfect;y straight and white. Lord Yutaka waved us in and motioned for us to sit in the chairs in front of his desk, except there was only two which meant someone would have to stand. Zabuza nodded slightly hinting that I could take a seat and Haku followed my example. Zabuza stood behind us with his large arms crossed against his chest.

"I hope you didn't have trouble getting here," Yutaka said after we were all situated.

"No," Zabuza answered shortly.

Lord Yutaka cleared his throat. "Well, that's good." he said after a moment. He then turned his attention towards me. "'And who is this beautiful young woman? I wasn't aware that you would be accompanying Mr. Momochi and Haku."

I smiled at him flattered. "Akira. My name is Akira, Lord Yutaka. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Lord Yutaka smiled at me in return. "Lets get down to business, shall we? I believe you all know why you are here. Over the years, I have always had problems with Lord Shigeru. He's a fat, greedy, and vindictive man. Shigeru claims that some the land I own rightfully belongs to him, which is not true. This land has been in my clan for centuries. Although, Shigeru tries to ignore that little detail. The problems that I had with him were normally small, and were really no problem to take care of. But as of recently they have gotten worse. There have been these random and surprise attacks on my house and on my family. Each time they get worse. Some of my guards are getting badly injured and there isn't enough people. That's where you three come in. For the next attack that is bound to happen, I'm hoping you all can put a stop to it." he explained.

"Hmm. Doubt it will be a challenge. You do know the payment that will be required for this, don't you?" Zabuza questioned.

Yatuka nodded and started to rummage in one of his desk drawers. He pulled out a pouch and held it up so we could see. "I have it right here. You will receive it at the end of the job."

Zabuza grunted in agreement. That pouch looked pretty big and filled. I wonder how much money was in there. The lord put the pouch back in the desk and locked it with a key. He stood up from his chair and walked over to the side of the desk we were on.

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