Chapter 14: Leaving

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It was about two days later, I found myself sitting at a small lilac colored table with stuffed animals, a grumpy Hiroshi, a neutral Haku, and a very excited Reika. Teacups full off milk disguised as tea, and plates holding delicious chocolate chip melonpan were placed in front of each guest. I on the other hand was pretty content and happy, especially with the fact that Reika somehow got her brother to dress up in fake costume jewelry. Seeing him dressed like that, was making it hard for me not to outright laugh. Although at one point I did let one escape, and as expected he rewarded me with a glare.

"Would you like some more tea, Lady Akira?" asked Reika, a bedazzled crown on her head. I think there actually is a real ruby in the center of that crown. Talk about the greatest dress up item. I mean all I only had a floppy albeit fancy hat, while she had a pretty sweet crown. Yes, I am a bit jealous of a little girl, and her princess crown.

"Why certainly, Princess Reika," I answered and handed her my porcelain cup. She took it, and poured milk into it from her porcelain tea-pot that had purple floral designs painted all over. "Thank you." After handing it back to me, I took a small sip of the drink and a bite from the treat. It was absolutely delicious. Once again, the guys in the kitchen knew how to whip up a tasty snack. They were honestly culinary gods.

The little girl's attention was now focused on her stuffed animal guests. Going around the table she 'asked' them one by one if they needed a refill. Taking their silence as a yes, she filled each of their cups.

"How did you know they wanted some? It's not like they can speak," Hiroshi commented. I sent a deadpan look in his direction, and Haku lightly tapped him on the arm. How dare he try to mess with the girl's imagination?

"Careful, they might hear you," gasped Reika, eyes widened in shock.

"I doubt that," her brother murmured before I slapped roughly the back of his head. "Ouch!"

"Well, I think this tea party is great," Haku stated with a smile.

Reika's face shone bright with happiness, and I could tell that what her brother just uttered was forgotten. "Really?" her whole demeanor was shy now, as if Haku approval meant everything.

"Really," he assured gently. With that, a large smile bloomed on her young face, and everything was okay again.

"Do you want some more tea, Lord Haku?" she then asked, happiness clear in her eyes. Haku nodded his head yes, and Reika made do with refilling his cup.

She then turned her attention to her older brother who was still sulking somewhat from when I hit him. "What about you Lord Grumpy Pants?"

"Why is my name Lord Grumpy Pants, while everyone else gets to keep their own?" Hiroshi whined.

"Because they're not mean," she answered snidely before she stuck her tongue out at him. Hiroshi's frown deepened even more, and I couldn't help but snicker at his misfortune. That's what he gets for being mean to his litter sister.

"I think it's cute that you're having a tea party with your sister," Haku stated lowly to Hiroshi. At that, the older boy's face became dusted with a light shade of red. From my seat, I could see Haku squeeze Hiroshi's leg underneath the table, and the teen sent Haku a smile in response. I couldn't help but mentally "Aw" at the scene. They were honestly too cute.

The rest of the tea party passed with no event. Truthfully, I had a wonderful time hanging out with Reika, Hiroshi, Haku, and her stuffed animals. The conversation was great, and seeing Reika having a great time with a smile on her face was enough for me. That was really all that mattered

By the end of the week, I found myself in my room with Dr. Akiyama, Haku, and Zabuza. It was time to check out the status of my wound; whether it was perfectly healed or still in the process of healing. I knew that it was perfectly healed, but I still had to get the 'A-Okay' from the doctor.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2015 ⏰

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