Chapter One: Meeting Him

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So here I was running again through a forest, trying to escape someone who was trying to kill me. I mean quite frankly I was getting pretty tired of this crap. It was getting pretty old. I mean doesn't Gato have anything better to do than trying to have me killed. Blowing a piece of hair out of my face I tightened my grip of my backpack and put a little burst of speed into my running. Branches and twigs were causing cuts to appear on any part of exposed skin, but I didn't care. The faster I got away, the quicker I could treat them.

I could sense a large chakra presence pretty close behind me. I had to get away from whoever it was fast. Sending some chakra to the soles of my feet, I felt myself start to run faster. The chakra presence seemed to get farther and farther away. I breathed relieved, but I knew I couldn't stop. Not while could run away.

I kept going in until I found a little cave in the forest. Doing a quick scan around the area, I saw that no one was around. My body was screaming for me to take a rest. Maybe if I took a quick rest, my body would feel a little refreshed. It was a risky move, but I had to try. I quickly went inside it, and put down my bag. Starting a fire could be risky and with my luck I would most likely be spotted, so I guess I'll just have to brace the cold. After trying to get as comfortable as you could get on a cave floor, I closed my weary eyes, and fell into a troubled sleep.


"Can you show me Dad, please?" My eight year old self pleaded, looking up at my Dad with a puppy dog face. I could see his resolve breaking. For some reason the puppy dog face always seemed to work. My Dad was a sucker for it. "Please Dad! I promise I'll never do anything bad again. Please!" Dad laughed and patted me on the head affectionately on the head.

"Fine, I'll show you, just don't tell your mom that I did." he said. I cheered in total happiness. My Dad took a deep breath and I saw him do a series of hand signs.

"Wind Style: Air Hurricane Jutsu!" A great gust of wind came out of his hands, and flew in a great twirl towards the small pond that was in the backyard. The water flew up into the air and came back down almost like it was raining lightly. I was in absolute awe at what my Dad just did.

"Wow, that was so cool! Can you teach me Dad?! Can you please?!" I asked eagerly. My Dad just smiled.

"Sure." I spent the rest of the afternoon together learning how to do the jutsu and messing around with my Dad.


"What are we going to do today Dad?" My now fourteen year self asked. My Dad and I were in a small meadow that was nearby our village. Almost everyday when we had the time, my Dad and I would come here and he would train me in simple and sometimes complex jutsus and weapons. I loved the time we got to spend with each other. Sometimes he would be gone on little business trips, and I would miss him like crazy. I guess I was a Daddy's girl, but I just saw it has having a really great relationship with my father.

"We're going to work on you creating your own jutsu." I was excited and for the next three hours I worked on perfecting my new created jutsu. After our little training session we would always go to the local ice cream shop and order my favorite ice cream treat which was vanilla ice cream with rainbow and chocolate sprinkles. After getting our ice cream, we walked over and sat on a bench that was outside. Our heads were tilted up just looking up at the clouds.

"You're improving immensely Akira." he stated proudly as he took a bite of his chocolate ice cream. A huge smile worked its way on my face.

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