Chapter Five: Welcome to hell

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AN: I don't own Naruto. I only own my OC Akira.


The next morning I woke up just mentally and a little emotionally exhausted. It seemed like my head was still trying to process what happened yesterday. If this is what fate had in store for me, it sucked. A lot. This wasn't what I had planned for my life, and frankly I was hating every minute of it. I wanted to get married, have kids, grow old, live long enough to see my grandchildren, and then die peacefully in my sleep. Instead, my parents were murdered, I had to go on the freaking run to get away from a guy who wants me dead for no real reason, and a psychotic S ranked criminal wanted to use me. Yup, life doesn't get any better than that (sarcasm was totally intended in that line). But I wasn't going to let Zabuza see me sweat. I was going to put on my big girl pants and don a brave face, even though I really wanted to kick and scream.

Getting out of bed, I sauntered over to my closet and picked out a purple tank top and black Spandex short shorts. I laid those out on my bed, and left my room to take a shower. For some reason, a hot steamy shower always seemed to calm me down and soothe my troubles even if it was just for the moment. After drying my wet hair with a towel, I wrapped another around my body, and stepped out the bathroom only to walk into something rock solid. Letting out a grunt of pain, I looked up confused at what I possibly bumped into.

"What the hell." I mumbled annoyed as I rubbed my slightly throbbing forehead. Looking up, I was shocked at what I saw. "Zabuza, what do you want?" I asked with a scowl. Zabuza's eyes just scanned my body up and down, causing me to clutch the towel tighter to me. I was a little ticked off, but I could feel myself starting to blush.

"I just wanted to tell you that you'll start training in an hour." he answered with a smirk. I felt my left eye twitch.

"So, you waited outside the door knowing you would scare me, just to tell me that I'm going to train in an hour. Alright, this conversation is over. If you could please move out of my way." I said as I tried to slide past him, only to have my body brush against his. A shiver went down my spine, but I ignored it. I was almost past him, when his rough hand grasped my upper arm tightly and pulled my body into his. I gasped at the contact.

"Feisty, but maybe you should learn to watch your mouth." he said roughly. The corner of my mouth moved up in a small smirk. I could have some fun with this. Moving to where I was standing on my tip toes, I gently moved my hands up his chest , and placed my mouth near his ear.

"If I were you, I would remove your hands from my body or face your "little friend" meeting my knee." I whispered seductively. Slowly, Zabuza took his hands from me all the while leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake. I'm gonna chalk that to the fact that I was basically in a towel. I stepped away from him, and started to walk away, but I paused mid stride and looked over my shoulder. "Oh, and I'll take your little warning into consideration, but no promises." and with that I went back to my room.

After changing into the fresh pair of clothes I laid out, I walked to the kitchen to see Haku eating an apple. I ignored him and grabbed an apple for myself from the bowl. I poured myself a glass of water and settled myself across from Haku. Needless to say, it was awkward and silent. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of us taking a bite from our apples.

"I can understand now why you did what you did. Thinking about it now." I said breaking the silence.

"I'm truly sorry." He said looking down at his hands. I reached over and grasped his hand.

"I know you are." I said, "I can see it in your eyes. You're guilty or either a very good liar."

"You were the first friend I have ever had. " Haku told me, a soft smile was gracing his face. I returned it with a small one. I couldn't help but forgive Haku. He was sweet and he was just following his orders.

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