Chapter 8:Did that just happen?

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By the time my alarm, went off I had already been awake for about an hour. Turning it off, I reluctantly left the warm comfort of my bed and headed to take a quick shower, knowing that it might be a while before I had another one. The warm spray of water and the strong smell of my sea spray shower gel did little to calm my shaking nerves. Wrapping a towel around me, I walked back to my room, and stood in front of my closet to pick out what clothes I should wear for the mission. After searching hard, I decided on a black lined mesh tank top with a dark green off the shoulder shirt that stopped at my midriff, black spandex shorts with bandages wrapped around both of my upper thighs, and my normal black sandals. I threw my black hair into a high ponytail, and secured my weapons pouch around my bandage clad right thigh. Satisfied with what I threw together, I grabbed my bag and closed my door to meet up with the others. Walking into the kitchen I grabbed an apple and decided that this was a quick enough little breakfast snack. Truthfully, I didn't want to eat to much for fear of getting sick with all the traveling we would be doing. It wasn't to long after that when, Haku walked into the kitchen. He followed my idea, but instead of grabbing an apple he grabbed a banana.

"Good morning," he greeted after swallowing the bit of banana he had in his mouth.

I smiled in return. "Good morning to you to, little Haku," I said before taking another bite of my apple. Haku just gave me a deadpanned look.

"What?" I asked with a bit of mischief clearly present in my voice. "You know you loved that little rhyme I did there."

Haku just rolled his eyes, but I could see the small smile that was on his lips even though he tried hard to hide it.

"So, where's Momo? The old man is going to be late." Haku gave me a warning look. I just grinned real wide back at him.

"What did you just say?" A deep voice snarled. I looked up at the kitchen doorway and just shrugged innocently.

"Oh, nothing," I replied playing dumb. "Are we ready to go kiddies? Don't want to be late."

With an annoyed grunt Zabuza started his way out of the house and Haku followed him with an exasperated shake of the head, like a frazzled parent. Throwing away the apple core, I couldn't help but laugh as I followed them out.


We had walked for what seemed like eternity. Okay, I'm probably just exaggerating by a little...alright a lot, but still it was a pretty long time. My feet were killing me, and at some points I was lagging behind. And maybe there were times where I seriously considered calling a timeout or something so I could take a break, but then I thought, better not. Haku even looked at me a few times in concern, but I just discreetly shook my head no. Couldn't give Zabuza the satisfaction of being right. I so didn't want to see that stupid smug smirk on that handsome face of his. NO! God Kira, get it together! Do not think that of Momo the cow.

"We're stopping here for the night." Zabuza announced setting down his pack.

Thank God! You finally heard my desperate pleas. Eagerly, I set my bag against the trunk of a tree, and sat down taking greedy sips from my water bottle that I grabbed from my bag.

"We need to split up, and grab firewood for the fire and someone needs to scout the area, check to see if there are potential enemies nearby," Zabuza said. "I'll scout the perimeter while you two search for firewood." he ordered. I glanced at Haku quickly with a smile, thankful that I didn't get stuck with Zabuza.

"Actually Zabuza, I was hoping I could do the scouting. I don't mind really. I want to stretch my legs and stuff." Haku announced. I shoot him a confused look, one that he blatantly ignored.

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