Chapter 6: What the hell?

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AN: I don't own Naruto. I only own my OCs.


The next day, I found myself training again. It was probably more intense than yesterday's, which was saying something. Currently, I was twisting in mid-air trying to aim an ax kick at Zabuza's head. He blocked it with his forearms, causing me to land on my feet. Quickly, I kicked at him with my right foot, turned my body around and aimed at him again with my right foot. All the while, he was just leaning back and blocking when he needed to. Zabuza then offered his on punches making me attempt to block them with rapid succession. His punches were so strong that some actually hit me harshly in my upper body and face. I kicked my leg up to block an oncoming punch, but he suddenly grabbed that and turned and threw me in front of him. A gasp of surprise left my mouth, and I slid across the ground. Back flipping, I narrowly avoided an ax kick that was aimed for where I just was. Then came the to fast for me to keep up punches and kicks again. It was like wave after wave, and I was exhausted. I sloppily tried to defend myself against them, but my moves were to sluggish and slow. All it took was a hard knee to the stomach and I was down. I could feel a little blood trickle from my mouth. Grabbing my stomach, I tried to stop the harsh coughs that were coming out of my mouth.

"I'm impressed. You lasted longer than you did yesterday." Zabuza said crossing his arms across his muscular chest. I looked up at him in surprise at his compliment.


"But, you still would've been dead if this was a real fight." he interrupted, and there's the jerkiness. Why am I not surprised? I doubt he could ever give a sincere compliment. I shakily got to my feet, with my left arm wrapped tightly around my middle.

"Thanks." I said sarcastically, "Are we finished here yet? I promised Haku I would go with him to the market."

"You're dismissed." he scoffed. I just shook my head and headed back to the house.

I took a shower and slipped on a blue cotton sun dress I bought from Satomi not to long ago. I went to Haku's room which was down the hall and knocked vociferously on his door. It didn't take long for Haku to open it, silencing my knocks.

I smiled at him, "Hey Haku. Ready to go?" I asked, leaning into the doorway.

Haku smiled back, "Sure, let me just get my basket."

I could see Haku go over to his closet, and start rummaging around in it. He moved back out and had his basket grasped in his hand. Turning off the light in his room, he came out of the room and turned to look at me.

"Now, we can go."

We sauntered out of the house and started our little journey. The chirping of the birds and the cool breeze flowing through the trees put me into a peaceful mood. It was great to get out of the house and away from all that training stuff. I threw my hands in the air and twirled around carelessly. A soft smile was now on my face.

"Isn't it just beautiful out Haku? Fresh air in your face, and the breeze just cooling you down." A fallen tree branch was in my path and I couldn't help but leap on to, throwing my arms to the side of me and just pretend I was an acrobat on a tight rope.

Haku laughed at my antics. "It is. How's training going?"

I groaned loudly and ceased my movements. "Haku, you totally just ruined my mood." I whined crossing my arms like a petulant child.

Haku covered his mouth with his free hand, although I could still tell he was laughing. "I'm sorry Akira. I was just inquiring. I didn't get to ask you yet and I was simply curious."

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