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I know this is short, but there wasn't much to write. Enjoy!


Nico's P.O.V.

I was really happy with myself for doing that. It took me all summer but I did it and that's what mattered most. I thought about something Angelina had said to me:

"The minute I walked into camp, people judged me. They judged how I looked, what I wore. But no one judged me for me. I don't just want to be the girl cursed be Hades. I want more, you're the first person who got to know me Nico. That's something I appreciate and will never forget," she told me.

And I believed her.

And to this day...

~I haven't regretted it one bit.~

Angelina's P.O.V.

I walked in the cabin and accidently hit my shelf. My photo album landed on the floor with a thud. I walked over to pick it up and noticed it had fallen open. I looked at the picture. It was a picture of Percy and me at Montauk Beach for the first time. We looked so happy in that picture, it was before Gabe abused us, before our lives became a living hell.

I thought back on all the things that happened in my life. The things I'd seen. The things people had said. That was the moment I realized that no matter what happened in my life, I should just get up and keep going.

People called me quite a few things; ugly, fat, stupid, bitch ...slut.

I didn't do anything to make these people say these things. They just decided to take their anger out on me, so they could push me down and feel better about themselves. But no one can do that to me anymore.

If someone says something mean to me, I just hold my head high and keep walking. All they want is a reaction. And I'm not going to give it to them.

I may have gotten rid of the curse but I still wasn't the same as others. But Percy was right. I'm not different. I'm unique.

~And I'm proud of it~

Percy's P.O.V

Angelina and I were sitting on the beach at camp the night before we had to leave. Neither of us were talking but it was like we were. It didn't feel awkward and silent, it felt like... I don't know. Like old times I guess.

"Look a shooting star," Angelina pointed out to me. "Make a wish."

But I didn't have anything to wish for. Nico didn't blame me for his sister's death, Annabeth was my girlfriend, Kronos was defeated and so much more.

I thought about it. Just one month ago I would have wished for Angelina back. Yesterday morning I would have wished to get rid of her curse. But I didn't need to wish for that anymore.

Right now I have everything I could ever wish for.

                     ~I guess miracles do happen~

So there you have it, my story is now complete! I'm going to write a sequel as well but I'm going to post it in September.

I'm not sure what I want to happen but I know it will be in the school year, at their house and that's really it. Please give me ideas if you have any. If you have any questions about this story, something that wasn't clear or have a question for me let me know.

Also if you want I can write a different story. Just give me some ideas and if I can I'll write it if I can. I also wrote a Oneshot if you'd like to read it. It's called I wish I may, I wish I might, I wish I could go back in time. Goodbye! See you in September and have a great summer,


EDIT: Sequel is up! It's called: My Cursed Life. You can find it on my profile page


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