Forest of Fears

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Hey, I updated didn't think I would but I did! I don't know what to write so...Enjoy!

                                         Forest of fears

Angelina's P.O.V

I woke up at 3 a.m, nervous about the forest of fears.

I woke up again at 5 a.m, after having a nightmare. About the forest of fears.

I woke up at 7 a.m, to the sound of lots of screaming. I looked around the cabin to make sure nothing was going on in there and when I didn't see anything went back to sleep.

I woke up a final time at 9 a.m and realized I was going into the forest in an hour. I groaned, why did it have to be so early in the morning? We should start at a reasonable time like 3 p.m.

Anyway I got up and dressed then headed to the dining pavilion to get some breakfast. I sat down at the Poseidon table next to Percy.

"Hey," he said to me.

"Hey," I replied then we both stopped talking. He was thinking about the forest of fears, I knew because I just know him that well. And we can talk in each other's minds. I guess it's pretty cool.

"Hey guys,"Nico said walking up to us. I jumped, he could be real sneaky when he wanted to.

"Hey Nico," Percy and I replied at the same time.

"Nico you look like you didn't sleep at all last night" I said to him.

"That's because *yawn* I didn't,"he said. And then everything went silent. Again. This was getting really awkward.

I checked my watch,"Guys we should probably get going, it's 9:50". We all got up and left.

"Hello everyone," Chiron said to us when we walked into the Big House. "How are you this morning?"

"Terrible", we all said at the same time including Thalia who had just walked in.

"I don't blame you" and then it went silent. Again.

"So how do we get into the forest?" I asked him partly because I wanted to break the silence and partly because we all needed to know.

"Oh right, you go into the forest at the edge of camp and the gods added a portal that you go through and then you'll end up in the forest" Chiron explained.

"Do we all go in together?"

" Yes and you have the choice of all staying together, which I suggest, or you can go off on your own. And you can pair up with anyone else in the forest that you run into."

"So where is this forest?" Percy asked.

"It's not really anywhere but you won't run into any mortals. Any more questions?"We all shook our heads."Alright let's head to the forest"

We arrived at the forest, where the whole camp was gathered. Chiron explained what was going to happen to all the other campers and since I was bored I decided to talk to Percy in my mind.

Bold and italics is Angelina, italics is Percy



You worried? I know I am.

Yeah a little but it can't be that bad.

I was about to reply when Chiron came up to those of us going into the forest and handed us each a backpack,"This is all the supplies you'll need in there and once you finish the supplies it will be refilled. Questions?"

"What if we're killed?" I asked.

" You'll get to come back up, anything else?" We all shook our heads."Then go in"

We walked into the forest til we reached the portal. We all stopped.

"Guys let's stick together and help each other out, agreed?" Percy said.

"Agreed" we said.

Satisfied he climbed into the portal followed by Thalia but I stayed back for a second and looked at the place I loved. For some reason I felt like I wouldn't be seeing this place for days. Someone touched my arm.

"Come on Angelina we have to go," Nico whispered in my ear. I shook my head and turned and walked into the portal with him.

Walked away from Camp Half Blood.

Away from the place I felt the most safe.

Away from home.

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