The Olympians play a game

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                                          The Olympians play a game

Percy's P.O.V.

"Angelina,are you sure you should be bending that way?" I asked Angelina.

It's been a few days since Angelina came to camp and I have to admit it's a lot more fun with her around.

"Percy it's fine I've always been this flexible"

"If you're sure...,"although I was uncertain.

All of a sudden Apollo showed up,"Hello! Angelina it's not natural that you're body to be bending that way," he said.

I looked over and saw she was in a different position (I'll let you use your imagination to think of what she's doing).

"Guys it's doesn't hurt and I've been doing these streches for years."

"Okay but you might break a bone. Or five"Apollo said. Angelina just shrugged.

"Apollo what are you doing here?",I asked partly cause I was curious, partly cause I wanted to change the subject.

"Oh right!I came to tell you the gods want to see you in the Throne Room in," he checked his watch, "one minute."

"Wait, isn't that Hermes job?"I asked him.

"Yeah, but he's telling the Athena cabin and the Aphrodite cabin," Apollo answered.

"Okay,"Angelina said standing up,"we'll shadow travel there once I get a shirt on," she said after realizing she only had a sports bra and short shorts pulled on a red strapless shirt and grabbed my of a sudden we were shadow travelling and then we were standing in front of all the Olympians.

On Olympus earlier that day

"Hey guys!"Apollo yelled for the tenth time."I'm bored."

"All right,why don't we do something,so Apollo will SHUT UP!"Hades said/yelled.

"Why don't we play truth or dare?"Demeter suggested.

5 minutes later

"Poseidon truth or dare?"Ares asked.

"Dare",Poseidon said confidently.

"I dare you to...switch two kids with Athena and Aphrodite for a month,two weeks at camp and two weeks with you."

Silence then:"WHAT!"Poseidon,Athena and Aphrodite screamed.

Ares grinned evilly."You heard me. At camp they have to live in each others cabins and do all the activities with them."

"Which kids should we do and who's cabin will each kid be in?"Hermes asked.

"How about Malcom and Annabeth from the Athena cabin,Mitchell and Piper from the Aphrodite cabin and obviously Percy and Angelina from the Poseidon cabin."Zeus suggested.

"Yeah and we can decide where they go when we tell them about this",Artemis said.

"Great let's go tell them".

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