Chapter 35 - Strange Cravings

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- About a month or so later -

Ricky’s POV

“RICK!” – Oh for fuck sake Demi!! I opened my eyes and saw Demi sat up in bed looking down at me.

“What?” – I asked her my voice hoarse and my eyes still heavy. It’s too early!!

“I’m hungry” – Are you kidding me Demi?

“Well go make some food we have a kitchen it’s what it’s there for” – I said rolling back over onto my side with my back to Demi.

“But..Eugh fine!” – Demi I am in no mood to be the fore front of your bitchy ass pregnancy mood. I pulled the pillow back over my head, but just as soon as I shut my eyes I heard a massive clatter come from in the apartment. Fucking hell Demi!!! I let out a huge sigh and clambered out of bed, dragging myself to the living area. I stopped when I saw Demi in the kitchen.

“What’re you doing?” – I asked rubbing my eyes and running a hand through my hair.

“Well I thought I’d make myself something to eat like how you suggested”

“With a wok?” – I asked walking over to her and taking it off her and putting it on the side.

“What do you want to eat then?” – I asked her leaning on the counter facing her.

“Taco Bell” - I just stared at her with a displeased look on my face.

“It’s 3am” – I told her pointing to the clock on the wall.

“Well it’s not my fault I’ve got cravings! You started this now you put up with it!” – She said throwing her arms about, I stood there for a second debating on what to say. Dammit.

“Fine you win” – I huffed out as I walked back to the bedroom, grabbing a jacket and throwing some shoes on. No wrong foot Rick! That’s it the left goes into the left and the right goes into the right! What?! It’s 3am!!

I walked back through to the living room and headed to the store, grabbing my car keys on the way.

"What'ya want then?" - I asked, stopping at the door and turning around to face her.

"Umm... What do I want.. What do I want."

"Please take your time" - I responded dryly, she just stood there with her hands on her hips.

“Two burritos, a taco and a soda” – She fired back as she went to sit on the couch.

“So not a lot then, alright back in a bit!” – I replied back as I opened the door and headed down to the car. It’s 3am and I’m driving to goddamn taco bell… The things I do for that girl. I pulled myself into the car and pulled out of the driveway on my way, luckily it’s only about half an hour away.

After a short, but what felt like an hour drive I pulled up into the car park and headed inside. I pray to god no one knows who I am cause it’s really early and I’m not a fucking morning person at all. I walked up to the counter and got my wallet out of my jacket ready to get food and fucking leave.

“OMG OMG RICKY FAWKES!!”- Oh fucking hell. I thought this kid was going to collapse to the floor.

“Hi um I don’t wanna sound like a prick but could I just some food and go cause I’ve got a hormonal girlfriend at home who’s getting more and more hungry by the second and I’m really tired” – I explained to the girl behind the counter who was still internally freaking out. I could tell cause she hadn’t blinked since I’d walked in.

“Of course yeah yeah!” – She spluttered out.

“Great so 2 fully loaded burritos, a beef taco and a soda, preferably large”

“Alright that’s $5.20” – She said with a huge smile as I handed her the cash and waited for my food, well Demi’s food no way in hell I’m gonna be able to have any of it. I’ll lose a hand in the process. Might as well check twitter while I’m waiting, great thing about having fans all over the world there’s always someone online. I thought I’d take a photo of where I was cause ya’ know yolo. Did I really just use yolo? That's fucking lame.

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