Chapter 10 - Want A Knife For My Back?

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Ricky’s POV

So it’s been 2 days since that little “incident” at Demi’s and to be honest I’m going crazy. I’ve not slept I’ve been sat at my piano for the last few days pouring every little bit of emotion into my writing. I was sat at the piano scribbling down chords and lyrics when I was interrupted by Alex sitting down next to me.

“Rick you’ve been working solid since you came back from Demi’s… Bro what happened?” – He asked his voice dropping and sounding concerned,  I put my pen down and looked up at him.

“We nearly slept together” – I said quietly.

“Whoa! Really?! You and Demi?! Bro!!” – He slapped me on the back with a huge smile.

“No not great Alex! Because I shouldn’t have done it! I haven’t even told her how I feel I can’t just sleep with her! What if she doesn’t feel the same way! Huh!” – I yelled back at him standing up. What the fuck is wrong with me lately I just seem to lose it at everybody.

“Whoa… Dude calm down! I’m just trying to help! Look she likes you I can tell! She wouldn’t keep kissing you and almost fucking you if she didn’t feel something towards you!!” – He yelled back at me standing up as well. Was he right? I had to find out. I grabbed my jacket, keys and headed for the door.

“Rick where you going?!” – Alex called back at me, I stopped at the door and turned around.

“I’ve gotta tell Demi how I feel if I don’t tell her now I never will!” – I opened the door, ran downstairs and got in the car. I pulled out and drove towards Demi’s.

“Demi I gotta talk to you….. Hey Demi!.. So Demi wanna give this a go… Hey! You be with me!” – I practicing what to say to Demi. I’ve never been this nervous about anything before… Play it cool Rick… Yeah play it cool! As I was trying to calm myself down I pulled up in front of Demi’s and noticed a black SUV parked outside. Odd. I’ve never seen that parked there before must be someone visiting someone else in the building. I slipped my jacket on and ran inside towards the elevator, whilst going up to her apartment I was getting intense butterflies in my stomach. ARGH JUST FUCK OFF! As I walked down the corridor towards her apartment I placed a very shaky knock on the door. It felt like I was standing there for ages but then the door opened slightly and there appeared Demi’s face and dressed in an oversized jumper.

“Rick… err what’re you doing here?” – She said quietly.

“We need to talk about something... Can I come in?” – But I just walked in anyway.

“What is it?” – She said again quietly as I turned around.

“I need to tell you something… Okay… Here goes!” – I was really gonna do this. I took a big breath and looked up at her. “For the past few years I’ve been feeling...” – But then my words were cut off by someone walking into the room.

“Demi you gonna be long?” – I was left speechless I looked at Demi you was playing with her thumbs and back at the guy stood there with just his boxers on.

“What the fuck is this?” – I said as calmly as I could. But nothing. “Demi?” – I asked again. But nothing. “Demi answer me!!” – I lost it making her jump a little she just looked up at me her eyes full of sadness and hurt.

“Rick I’m sorry” – She answered quietly I just kept my eyes on her.

“Sorry?! Really?! Sorry!! Are you fucking kidding me! So everything that’s been happening between us over the last few days has just been for nothing?! Were you just using me!! Playing me on and just fucking with my feelings!!” – I’d completely lost it with her now. But she still didn’t say anything.



“SO YOU JUST SLEPT WITH SOMEONE ELSE?!” – I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I knew I had to calm down I took a deep breath and continued.

“What’s funny is I’d probably of been cool with this if it wasn’t for the fact that you slept with him. The one guy who made you relapse to the point you’d actually hurt yourself again… That’s what just.. just gets me about the whole thing!” – I’d calmed down a bit now but I was still furious inside and what surprised me was that throughout all of this where Demi and I were pretty much screaming at each other he had said nothing at all, I walked over to the door and just stopped turning back around to face Demi who was holding back tears.

“I never thought YOU would be the person to hurt me” – And I just left it at that.

 I walked back out towards my car and just sat there… Letting all of my thoughts collide into each other. Why? Why him? All of all people why him!? He was the one person that led her to relapse and now she’s sleeping with him?! How the fuck am I gonna work with her now? FUCK! I put the key in the ignition and headed back home. I needed something to numb this pain that was in my heart right now. As I drove home I had so many thoughts going through my head, all the way home I was talking to myself trying to get a decent answer out of everything.

I pulled up at home and trudged upstairs knowing exactly where to go, I approached my door and opened it heading straight for the kitchen ignoring anything Alex was saying to me. I opened the cabinet that was hidden behind another, nobody knew about this place, I pulled out 2 bottles of Vodka, walked into my room, locked my door and sat on my bed. Putting one bottle on my bed and screwing the cap off the other I placed it on my lips and started to down it, it burnt all the way down into my body. But it felt so good. It felt familiar. I’d already downed half of the bottle and I could feel it having its effect already, I downed the rest of it and picked up the other one proceeding to down that as well. Almost halfway through this one and I was starting to feel the full effect of it. I got up stumbled over to my door and walked into where Alex was.


“Rick? Are you smashed?! – He got up to hold me upright.

“Nooooooo!” – I slurred in horror of his question even though it was true. “I wanna go out!”

“Okay where? I’m driving because your fucked” – I knew where I wanted to go.

“That fucker that fucked Demi!”

“No dude! You’re fucked! He’ll destroy you! He’s built like a brick shit house!”  - I cut him off by pushing him away.

“I can take him! We’re going!!” – I pulled him towards the door and shoved my keys in his hand. I was going to show this guy what it felt like to be hurt like me. 

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