Chapter 23 - It's Just For A Little While.. Just For A Little While

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Ricky’s POV

“Good Morning Ricky” – She said as walked into the room in just her underwear before leaning down on the bed and pressing her lips against mine. Ew oh my god get off me.

“Umm… Good morning” – I said as I wiped the remains off her lip gloss off my lips.

“What? Is that it?” – She said her voice bitter as she got up off the bed.

“Well yeah err what happened last night?” - I asked rubbing my eyes as I sat up in the bed.

“Are you serious? You don’t remember at all?” – She said in that bitchy tone of hers. Look whatever your name is I am not in the mood for your bitchy condescending tones this morning.. now just go get me a goddamn coffee… and some aspirin please I beg of you!!

“No that’s why I asked you see” – I said returning her bitchy tone with one sarcastic one.

“Well you were pretty damn impressive” – She said with a smirk as she started pulling clothes on. Oh shit balls…

“W-What… Errr..D-Did we.. We didn’t.. have” – I stuttered out.

“Well yeah that’s what I meant by you were pretty damn impressive” – FUCK! I buried my head in my hands and tried to comprehend what the hell was going on.

“Oh no no no no no no no”

“Well thanks”

“Seriously?!” – I snapped my head up out of my hands and just stared at her.  “I am not in the mood for your bitchy ass tones okay!” – I said as I got up and started picking my clothes up off the floor and getting dressed. The faster I get out of here the better.  “Last night shouldn’t have happened at all! I have a girlfriend! One that I love very much and I am not gonna lose to her to some drunken night!” – I said searching the room for my phone. WHERE THE HELL IS IT?!

“Oh yeah Demi Lovato the “Pop Star” – She said her voice laced with sarcasm as she added the air quotation marks.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” – I said coldly as I bought my head up from looking for my phone.

“Nothing she’s clearly with you to make her image look better what with being in rehab” – I just stood there froze with what she said, after a few seconds I snapped back and walked over to her stopping in front of her just inches away from her face.

“Don’t you dare say shit about Demi in front of me…” – I said my voice cold and dark.  “You don’t know half the shit she’s been through… or me for that matter of fact… so don’t say she’s with me just make herself look good because she doesn’t need to do that.. She is one of the most honest, caring, loving people on this planet.. So don’t say shit about my girlfriend in front of me.. What we did was a mistake.. Don’t tell anyone that could put my relationship or career on the line..”  - I said picking my phone up from the table beside her and walking out, grabbing my jacket off of the couch on the way out.

As I left the room it was clear that I was in a hotel  so I made my way to the lobby, as I got in the elevator I checked my phone. 10% battery. Oh great.. I had 5 texts and 5 missed calls. 3 texts off Alex, 2 off Demi and 2 missed calls off an unknown number and the rest from Demi.

Alex: riiiiccckk where’d yoiuuu goiii?!

Demi: Rick are you okay I haven’t heard from you? …..

Alex: Cann youoi two keep it down!!

Demi: Rick I don’t wanna sound like your mom but can you please just ring me and let me know you’re okay? …. :(

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