Chapter 30 - Too Close For Comfort

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Ricky’s POV

I’ve been in this hell hole for about 3 months now and I thought it was gonna be better than last time but it just turns out like the last time. Me sat here throwing a ball against the wall to amuse myself cause I haven’t got anything else to do. Note to self, bring music to play on the stereo they gave me. Why give me something I can’t use you dumb fucks. Honestly I’ve been driving myself insane being in here for so long now, all the people assigned to look after me have told me I’ve made amazing progress in such a short period of time.. short?! I feel like I’ve been here years! I swear I better be out for Christmas otherwise I'l just break out.

“Rick you have a visitor” – My nurse said as she opened my door, I turned round excited to see Demi. But it wasn’t her.

 “What the hell are you doing here?” – I asked my voice matching the cold look on my face.

"I'll leave you two, oh Rick you had a package come as well" - My nurse said as she put the package on my bed, I gave her a small smile as she left and shut the door. 

"You gonna answer me" - I said sharply as I stood my ground.

"I came to see you" 

"No... You don't just leave my life and then 4 years later turn up at a treatment center and say you came to see me.. Just turn around and go home"

“That’s it go home?”

 “I didn’t ask you to come here”

"It's too late for that" - They said as they started walking towards me slowly.

“Why did you go back to him Rachel?" - I said keeping my eyesight on her.

“He told me he loved me”

“That always sounds good”

“Did you know I used to look on the internet every day to see your name?”

“Well I’m sorry I keep disappointing you”

“What was it Rick? Did I get too close?" - She said wrapping her arms around my neck as she leaned in to me closer. "Did I get too close for comfort?” - She said stopping inches away from my lips. There was a silence, just our breathing could be heard before I replied.

 “Yes” - I said in a slight whispher before she leaned in and attached my lips to hers, I reached up and put my hands on her shoulders pushing her off me slightly. 

"You need to leave" - I said wiping her lip gloss off my mouth. "Now. Go. And don't come back again" - I said sharply as she gave me a glare before turning on her heel and leaving shutting the door on her way out. I fell back onto my bed and ran my through my hair before picking up the package I'd been given.

"My Ricky.." - It was entitled, I ripped it open to see a letter and a CD in it, I walked over to the stereo and put it in, taking hold of the letter and starting to read it as I sat on my bed.


I'm sorry I can't be there with you but I want you to know that you can get through this and I believe in you, not just me but every single one of your fans, friends and family. I've never felt this way about anyone before and I never want to let you go. I want you to stay. You're one of the strongest people I know and I can't tell you how happy it makes me to call you my boyfriend. The CD that's with this is a song I recorded for you so you know how much I want you to get through this. 

Baby I love you.. Forever in my heart..

I'll be here when you get out 

Love.. your little skyscraper <3

Fucking hell Ricky man up!! You can't cry! Goddammit!! I tried to compose myself but a line of lyrics caught my attention and just ripped right through my soul.

"It's funny your the broken one when I'm the only one that needed saving"

I just fell back onto my bed and stared at the ceiling. Those lyrics just went over and over in my mind. "It's funny your the broken one when I'm the only one that needed saving". All I ever wanted to do was save Demi from the day I visited her in treatment. I guess it was her time to save me. I've gotta start helping myself. I've gotta get outta here soon.


(A few weeks later)

Demi's POV

"What the hell do you mean I can't go see him!? I'm 20 for fuck sake!!"

"Demi don't use that language in front of your father!" - I can't believe this! I'm 20 years old and my parents are stopping me from going to see my own boyfriend in treatment!! 

"He's being an asshole! Why won't you let me go see my own boyfriend in treatment!?" - I yelled back Eddie.

"He's a bad influence Demi! His past says a lot about him and the fact those rumours about him were true makes me dislike him even more Demi! I don't want you seeing him anymore!" - Are you fucking kidding me!?! Is he serious right now!?

"Are you kidding me?! You're telling me who I can and can't date!? I'm not 18 anymore!! And you're really gonna go on his past?! Do I have to remind you where he is! In treatment sorting himself out! He even admitted to me that what happened on tour was a mistake and it meant nothing to me, this is my life, my mistakes and I'll do whatever the fuck I want you can't stop me!" - I fired back at my parents as I picked up my bag and keys and headed out the house.

"DEMI GET BACK HERE!" - I just ignored them and slammed the door shut. I pulled my phone out and opened my message thread with Max as I got into the car and sent the message.

"Get a plane ready. We're going to Chicago"


A/N - Sassy demi ;) 

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