Chapter 12: Exposed

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"So do you know why?" He asks again, this time a little more forcefully.

"Yes." I say. "I have a fainting disorder. This used to happen a lot when I was younger, but I haven't passed out like that in maybe six years."

"So what makes you pass out? We couldn't find anything wrong with you." He leans in closer, intrigued by what I have to say.

"Dehydration, lack of protein and iron in my body, overheating." I lost off the causes. "Stuff like that."

"Were you dehydrated or anything yesterday?"

I nod my head. "Austin and I rehearsed for a long time yesterday and I ended up sweating a lot, so I didn't retain a lot of the water I drank. I also didn't have much to eat yesterday. I was too nervous to eat."

'Well, you should be good to go. Let me check with your doctor first." He stands up to walk to the door, right as it opens.

Austin pops his head in. I smile at him as he walks toward the bed. I throw my arms around him when he reaches it. He lets go of me and puts his hands on my cheeks. My hands rest on his neck. Austin leans down and softly kisses me.

"How are you feeling?" He whispers after he pulls away.

"Honestly I'm fine." I say. "Are you ok? You look worse than me."

He chuckles softly. "I didn't sleep much last night. I was up all night worrying about you." 

I take one of his hands from my cheek, entwining our fingers. "You didn't need to do that."

He strokes my cheek. "Yes I did. I care too much about you. I was so afraid of losing you."

I smile up at Austin with tears in my eyes. I haven't felt loved by anyone this much in so long. I kiss hand, before leaning up and pressing my lips to his.

Someone behind Austin clears their throats. We break apart blushing. Austin turns and I see Austin's mom, Dave and my doctor.

The doctor walks forward with a clipboard. Austin steps backward to join his mom.

"So Calli, any nausea, or dizziness today?" He asks.

"No, not really." I say. "I feel perfectly fine."

"Ok well, I don't want you dancing today. I want you drinking water, and maintaining your blood sugar." The doctor says. "Other than that you're good to go."

I nod my head as Austin helps me off the bed. His mom hands me clean clothes, so I don't have to wear the ones from last night. Once I'm changed we head back to the hotel to leave for the next show.

I'm not allowed to dance tonight, so they go back to the original routine. I sit off to the sides during rehearsals. Every now and then Michelle checks up on me. She'll sit with me and give me fruit to help me retain water.

Austin comes to sit by me at the end of rehearsal. Now I'm eating grapes that Michelle brought over to me.

"Your mom's trying to get me fat." I say once he sits down. "She won't stop feeding me."

"Lucky!" He says throwing an arm around me. "She never feeds me. I'm forced to fend for myself."

I shove a grape into his mouth. "Better?"

"Yes." He says chewing. "Much better. But next time maybe a little less forceful."

"Ok Princess." I mumble.

"What was that?" He asks.

"Nothing." I lie. "I didn't say a thing."

Austin grabs my hips and pins me to the floor. "Liar. I think you called me princess."

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