12 | The Past Is The Past - H

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It's been two weeks since Yein has gotten accepted as a trainee into SH as well as me being rejected by SH. During the past few days she also moved into a new building where all the other trainees are at, and since I wasn't allowed there, I've been staying at the hotel by myself.

To be completely honest, I don't know why I'm still in Korea. After auditions there's basically nothing more for me here.

But I recently also have been hanging out with Jimin a lot whenever he's had breaks or when he was done practicing for the day, and I would say he's one of the main reasons why I haven't bought my ticket back to California, even if I have been thinking about it.

He did bring up the topic of the company party Jungkook had talked about one day we were together, and although I tried to tell him I didn't want to go, he got me to agree by winning a bet. Let's just say 'Just Dance' isn't the best game to play when you're trying to win a bet against him.

I swiped my keycard into the scanner of my hotel room and walked in. I saw a small light coming from the bedroom and shoes at the front of the bed. Did someone break in? I walked slower and grabbed a small hanger that was on the floor as I approached the room. I peeked my head in the room and saw Yein sitting on her bed with her back against the headboard, legs crossed, and eyes locked on the laptop in front of her.

"Halla! You're back." She looked up at me and her face was sad.

I didn't say anything and just stood there in front of her bed waiting for her to explain.

"I know what it looks like..." she started off getting up from the bed, "..but I have my reasons."

Seeing me still not responding and staring at her she continued, "The day of my auditon... remember when you were rushing to get ready...they gave us a phone call."

I gave her a questioning look.

"SH. They called while you were in the shower...they said that they couldn't accept you."

After the auditions I had prepared myself to expect this. Seeing how it's been a couple of weeks since the audition, I came to the terms that I wasn't accepted. I walked over to my bed and sat on its edge.

She continued, "Because of your profile information they couldn't...So, I figured if I said I was the writer, you could still write your songs, and we both could still live in Korea together... although they'd be put under my name until you turn eighteen."

I couldn't help but give a sigh of relief. Yein still had the heart of the friend I knew, but I could tell she wasn't telling me everything.

"Yein.." I started.

"I know what you're going to say" She interrupted me. ""It's not going to work", but you won't know unless we actually give it a chance right?"

"But what if.."

"If they do find out, what's the worst that's going to happen? They sue us for giving them full consent to selling your songs and earning money for their company?" She interrupted me again and answering me at the same time.

"Just think about it." she said walking over to my bed and sitting down next to me.

She sighed, "Halla. You're my best friend. I don't want you going back to California, and having to live a life being the girl who's known as the orphan, and I'm one hundred percent positive you don't want to either. We have a shot of making it big here. Together."

I gave a sigh myself this time, and fell back on my bed facing the ceiling.

After a moment of silence in the room, Yein quietly spoke, "SH wants me to write a love song with Jungkook starting tomorrow. I guess you have until then to decide. I really can't do this without you, Halla. Let's get some rest for today, hmm?"

Familiar (Jungkook x Halla)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ