18 | What Happened? - H

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I was currently getting my hair curled at a salon, because I couldn't figure out how to use one of those irons for the life of me. I picked up a magazine that was laying next to my chair and scanned over it.

As I flipped, I saw an article that immediately caught my eye. It was a picture of SH Entertainment's CEO with the headlines of 'MISSING GRANDAUGHTER' above it. On the side there was a picture of a young girl that surprisingly looked a lot like I did when I was younger. The only difference was that she was dressed in a very nice dress which showed how wealthy her family must've been. I couldn't stop staring not only due to how awfully familiar the picture looked to me, but also how similar the little girl was to me a long time ago.

After that, I couldn't help but imagine what would happen if I was really SH Entertainment CEO's granddaughter. It felt silly, but it was suddenly a dream that I couldn't stop thinking of. What if I was the missing granddaughter? How different would my life end up being?

As I thought about it more intensely, it wasn't such an impossible dream that couldn't be true. Firstly, the article says she went missing almost ten years ago. The accident was around ten years ago. And secondly, she went missing in America. I grew up in America.

Finally coming to my senses, I thought about how foolishly stupid I can be in trying to even think of that. If I was that little girl, I would be royalty. He's one of the most influential people in Korea, as well as being among the wealthiest. There's about a one-in-a-millionth of a chance that I was the missing girl.

My stylist finished curling my hair, and I headed back to my apartment. I slipped on my black lace floor length dress that slightly showed off some of my curves as well as my black strappy heels and waited for my ride, Jimin in the lobby. After getting done with all the dance routines and choreos, he finally had time to hang out with me again. We still had another hour before the party, but Jimin said that he wanted to pick me up before all the fans started appearing outside the company building.


I turned to where the voice came from, and saw that it was my goofy friend. "Not too bad yourself, handsome." I laughed as I looked at his white tux. It made him look extremely good, I had to admit. Also because he died his hair back to a black color.

Once we arrived at the SH building, Jimin told me that I could take a look around as staff were still busy running around decorating the place. He had to go practice with his group once more before their performance.

I walked up the cascading red stairs that would make any entrance grand. I peered down both sides, and decided on the hallway to my right. As I walked, I passed numerous of closed doors with reserved names on them for the other idols. It was still so fascinating to me that I had arrived in Korea not too long ago, and have befriended an idol group.

A door was already open, and a cool breeze was blowing from the inside. I peered inside and when there seemed to be no one there, I walked in. It was one of their meeting rooms. The room was concealed with glass on two sides and one of them contained an elegant balcony.

I walked to it, wanting to observe the view. The night sky had appeared and lights of the city were beginning to shine all around.

I don't know how long I stayed out there for, but I knew that it had been quite some time considering that the night sky had become pitch black, and now all the stars were visible along with the busy streets below.

"So this is where you were," I heard a quiet whisper from behind me say.

I was about to turn when I felt a set of arms wrap around my waist and a head lay upon my shoulder.

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