6 | Why? - J

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"Okay, Miss Halla. It has come to my attention that both of my fellow judges see something in you. I do admit I do too, but there's just too many problems that aren't helping us in this situation. For now, we have no choice but to place you on the waitlist. We will call you if the position is still available. Thank you."

After hearing the CEO's final judgement, everyone in the room was surprised. We had all thought that she should've made it in.

"Aww, poor Halla!" Jimin yelled while jogging out of the room.

I followed behind at a walking pace to see where he was heading to. He ran up to two girls who were hugging each other outside the door of the audition room, where I dropped Halla off. There was one whose face I couldn't recognize, and the other I couldn't see clearly because her back was facing me, but I had a hunch of who she was after seeing her clothes.

The girl, who I didn't recognize, could see Jimin hyung running towards them and she immediately smiled at him. Does she know him too? She pulled apart from the hug with the other girl and stared at hyung fully as he approached them. He waved at her, and then turned to the other girl while placing his hands on top of her shoulders.

He spoke something to her that I couldn't read from his lips, and she nodded her head at him in response. Her friend on the other hand was clearly freaking out along with the other auditioners who were walking, sitting, or standing in line around them.

He smiled at the girl in front of him and quickly took her arm, dragging her toward my direction. As she turned around, my hunch was confirmed.

I ran back to my original spot leaning on the table next to my hyungs while they continued to walk in my direction, or should I say the room's direction. As they got closer, I could see Jimin's hand around Halla's wrist, while her friend was following behind them, but she stopped at the door frame, because the bodyguards stopped her. I could tell Halla was trying to resist, because her other hand was trying to pry his fingers off her wrist, and her feet were trying to act as friction against Jimin's pull, but failed in the end.

"Everyone!" Jimin shouted as they stopped in front of the door entrance.

"I want you all to meet my friend Halla. You might also know her as the amazing songwriter who you had just witnessed! I wanted her to know that we all agreed that she should've been accepted immediately, and we give her the best of luck as she waits for her call." He smiled gleefully while she tried to hide her face from embarrassment. I found it cute when she did that, and didn't realize I was staring at her so intently until Jimin had brought her over to us.

"Halla, this is my group, Bangtan Sonyeondan."

We were a little spread out over the back of the room, so Jimin had yelled at us for not immediately forming a line and introducing ourselves. As soon as we finished forming ourselves into a line, Namjoon hyung gave us the cue and we bowed.

As I introduced myself, I could see a moment of realization on her face since her eyes went wide.

"It's nice to meet all of you." She smiled and bowed at us.

Then Namjoon hyung said something to her in English in which she nodded her head in response.  The hyungs then left and sat down after saying goodbye to her, and I continued to stay where I was.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook, I didn't know you were in a group with Jimin."

"You've both met before? Small world." Jimin said.

"No worries. It was nice getting to meet you." I smiled at her then looked to Jimin.

"We had met earlier by accident." I replied looking down at her, and she immediately looked away.

"Really? We met earlier by accident too," Jimin said in excitement.

"So they don't really know each other," I thought.

"Halla, we have to go!" her friend said from the doorway.

"Oh, sorry Jimin, I have to go now. It was nice meeting you Jungkook!"

She turned and was about to walk away before Jimin had caught her arm.

"Will we meet again," he asked her.

"Yes, I'll be here tomorrow for my friend's audition," she replied. They said goodbye and then she walked off.

"She's nice right...and pretty too." Jimin said while staring at her walk out with a smile on his face.

"Looks like someone's got a crush." I said raising my eyebrows up and down.

"Maybe." he responded with a smile.

I don't know what went through me, but I felt a little disappointment in his answer.


"Get off me!" I yelled as I was trying to pry the gigantic hands off of my arm.

"Get out, you don't belong here you little fuck!" The man said while spitting on me in the process.

"I won't leave without her!" I looked at the small girl in front of me who was bawling her eyes out.

I had no idea what was going on in the moment. Who the man was, who the girl was, why I was here, I wanted to know.

I looked to the girl once again and as she looked up at me, I could tell why I was here.

"Kookie, help m-"

I woke up with sweat on my forehead as I panted quickly. I turned to look at the time on my clock and saw that it was half past three.

Recently I've been waking up in the middle of the night, because of a reoccuring nightmare that I've had for awhile now. Every nightmare had different scenarios, but the endings were always parallel to each other.

They always began with me being happy for some reason. I would either be swimming in a pool, performing on stage, playing video games, or anything that gives me joy. The parts that were all similar was when Minyoung would appear out of nowhere and start screaming for me. As soon as I would look at her, the room would change into an old red, vintage, broken down bedroom. She would always appear as her seven year-old self, the same way she looked as I last saw her.

The dream I just had was no different. As much as I missed her, I had thought that I'd gotten over her already. I spent all of my elementary and part of my high school years getting over her leaving, and I did...Well at least I thought I did. I had these dreams back then, but after realising she wasn't coming back, my mind decided to settle itself. But it seems like it came back again, and I didn't know why.

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