2 | Where Are You? -J

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I wiped off my sweat as we had just finished our dance practice and sat down on the floor with my hyungs. It's been a year since our debut, and I would say we're busier than ever, especially since our popularity is growing around the world.

When I say 'our' debut, I'm referring to the band I'm in, Bulletproof Boyscouts, Bangtan Seonyeodan, or BTS for short, whichever you prefer. We're a kpop group in Korea under SH Entertainment, and I'm pretty happy with being in this group. Especially getting to meet my six members, Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Jimin, and Taehyung. I'm the youngest of the group and since I'm good at supposedly everything, I am nicknamed the golden maknae.

We were practicing for the annual SH Entertainment party at the end of the year. It's where all the singers and actresses or those who are signed under SH come together and celebrate the New Year. Basically it's just a company New Years party, but since SH Entertainment is one of the biggest entertainment industries in Korea, the party gets broadcasted all over the nation.

It's not our first year performing, but last year we had a malfunction on our stage where one of our props broke. It didn't effect our performance, but it was still a little disappointing to not have a perfect stage after all our hard work. But this year, we're planning a cool stage with outfits that light up, and I know what you're thinking, ooo light up outfits, but let me just say, the way we're using it will blow your mind. The party was planned to be in 3 months, but in the entertainment industry even 3 months doesn't seem like enough prep time.

We went to eat lunch then headed back to the dorm. Since we didn't have anything scheduled for the rest of the day, manager-nim gave us the rest of the day off.

Most of the time we would all just spend that time sleeping, but today I wanted to take a different route and just go out and take a walk. When I first moved to Seoul, we didn't have a lot of time to spend leisurely to ourselves, since we had so much of our time devoted to our rehearsals. So this time since I didn't feel the least bit tired, I wanted to spend the day in a quiet spot where I could just think about things to myself.

I quickly showered and then changed into a casual outfit consisting of jeans, a sweater, my green jacket, then grabbed my backpack and headed out the door.

Our manger has always told us to call one of our bodyguards for precaution whenever we went out, but because I felt like that was too weird to have someone follow you when you're alone, I just decided to go without one. Besides, I've done it a couple of times and haven't been caught, so I think I'm good.

I walked out of our apartment building through the back door and headed out to a direction I had seen in the car as we had passed it many times. I waited for the road to be clear of cars, looked both left and right, then crossed the crosswalk. I arrived at the broken entrance of the old park that got burned down a few months ago and went in. As I walked further into the trees I saw the bench located under one of the burned cherry blossom trees and went to sat down.

This park held a special meaning to me, because it was a part of my childhood memories that I didn't even know about until I arrived in Seoul.

When the members and I first moved into the apartment building, we were given a day to venture our new neighborhood. We went to eat at one of the famous ddeokbokki restaurants then walked to this park.

At the time, the park was still a lively place with cherry blossom trees everywhere and a beautiful long trail that ended with a medium sized playground.

As soon as we stepped through the silver gates of the park, Jimin, Taehyung and I dashed straight to the playground, while the others followed at a walking pace. We ran around like insane children hanging from the monkey bars, challenging each other to dumb races, and falling face flat on the grass multiple times *cough* V *cough*.

Familiar (Jungkook x Halla)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ