19 | Hey You, or Should I Say... -J

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"Hey boys, where's Jungkook?" I turned around from my lunch in the studio after hearing CEO Jung's voice. We were currently sitting on the ground surrounded by a bunch of food that the staff brought us. We've been practicing for the past few hours due to the performance at the party tonight, and we finally took a break to eat lunch.

"Right here, sir," I said immediately getting up and swallowing the rest of my mouthful of food. It was a surprise to see him here since he rarely comes into the dance studio. If he does it's most likely to give big, big news.

"Jungkook-ah," CEO said walking up to me and placing his hand above my shoulder. "Check your phone," he said. He was a man that rarely smiled and his face wasn't stern looking today. He had a small smile that was barely there, but I could see that something good has happened.

I turned around to walk to my bag across the room, and the other boys looked at me with the same expression as mine. I pulled out my phone, and saw a few missed calls from the same number, and I received a text message from a hospital asking if this was my phone.

I walked back over to CEO Jung wondering why he needed me to check my phone.

"What's going on, CEO Jung?" I heard Namjoon ask behind me.

"We found her," he said with the widest grin I've ever seen plastered onto his face.

At first I didn't understand what he had said, but when I did I choked as his words finally formed a meaning in my head. We found her. We found Minyoung.

"H-h-how?" I managed out.

"Apparently one of the hospitals recently had a patient who's DNA had a 99.9% match to our Minyoung's," he shrugged, returning to his calm and demeanor state.

Before my mind could process all that was happening, I quickly spitted out, "What hospital?"

CEO Jung, took no time, and we both hurried out into his car in the parking lot.

As the car pulled out, from the front of the building, I could see the other members looking at me with encouragement. I waved at them and they gave me a huge thumbs up.

Throughout the whole car ride I was in so much suppense that my leg could hardly keep still. I glanced over to CEO Jung a few times, but his demeanor didn't look like mine did. If anything he was contemplating over something.

Right when the driver parked, releasing the lock on the car, I speedily ran into the hospital and straight to the front counter.

"Hi, I was informed that a person I had reported missing a long time ago was just recently found," I said out of breath.

"Okay, may I know what the name of the missing person is," she asked calmly and unhurriedly.

"Minyoung. Choi Minyoung."

She flipped through a large book with numerous of manila folders until she found Minyoung's. "And your name is..."

"Jeon Jungkook."

"May I see an ID please," she asked.

If she kept asking me anymore questions I was going to flip. I was so aggravated, my foot wouldn't stop tapping the floor, and I couldn't stand still. I roughly pulled it out of my wallet and tossed it at her.

"Oh my! Are you the Jungkook, who's in BTS," she said loudly which made the other people in the lobby start to stare.

Normally I would be flattered and glad that someone knew who I was, but this was not the moment to care. Minyoung was my top priority right now.

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