5 | Stuck In My Head - J

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I got up from the couch I was on after hearing a faint piano playing downstairs. I was currently on the upper balcony of our two story "practice room". We called it the practice room, but it was more of a big wide room filled with instruments, and where most of the artists hung out, so it's a very cozy area.

I slid off my headphones and left them hanging around my neck as I walked towards the railing to look down at who was playing the beautiful sound. I saw a girl who seemed to be around my age. At first I thought she was one of the trainees, because only SH artists were allowed in this room, but as I looked more, she was unrecognizable to me.

I couldn't see her clearly since I was at a bird's eye view and could only see the top of her head, but she was wearing shorts with tights, black converse, and a white shirt with a mustache face on it.

"...I am searching for the one I can't see anymore

I am listening for the one I can't hear anymore

I can see the things I couldn't see

Can hear the things I couldn't hear

You've given me this power, ever since you left me right here

Before I was selfish and I didn't care about you, yeah

I didn't understand your heart; I was a fool

Right now I'm trying to change who I am

And I know you're not by my side,

But it's because of your love, that I'm trying to change..."

She started singing, and I don't know what came over me, but I felt like I was in love. Now, I'm not talking about falling in love with her, because I don't really know her first of all, but falling in love with her music.

I could tell it was her music, because she played several pieces and I never heard any of them before. They were all beautiful and I couldn't help myself but to listen to it.

Before I knew it, I checked my phone and saw a text from Namjoon. He wanted me and the rest of the group to meet up in the lobby to watch the auditions. At SH, they show the auditions on TV screens that are located in every room of the building to let others view the auditions too. It's nerve wrecking for the people auditioning, but exciting for us viewers.


I heard the announcement and silently tiptoed down the stairs not wanting to disrupt her practicing. Before I realized it, someone had bumped into me.

I looked down at the figure in front of me, and realized it was the girl that was playing the piano.

"I'm sorry," she instantly said. She dropped down and picked up her binder that had just fell on the ground and quickly ran out the door. She was so fast that I didn't even have time to respond or help her pick up her things.

I walked out the door following behind her at a close distance wandering where she was going. She stopped in the hallway looking around and I could tell she was lost. I walked closer to her almost silently.

"Do you need some help?" I asked her.

"Yes actually, do you know where the auditions are being held?" she spoke in a rush. As I looked down at her I couldn't help but smile a little. Everything that I had said my ideal type of girl would be, she looked to fit it all.

"Ah, you mean the songwriter audition? Follow me." Since I was heading there anyway, I saw no harm in taking her there.

We walked through the countless hallways with her following behind me silently. By the looks of it, I could tell she wasn't a fan of BTS since she didn't scream when I approached her.

Familiar (Jungkook x Halla)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن