3 | My New Friend - H

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After last night, I discussed it with the sisters at the orphanage who were like mothers to me. They all agreed that this would be a big chance for me, and that it would also be a great way to get out of this place, since I've been there the longest out of all the girls.

I have lived in the orphanage ever since I can remember...literally.

It was around nine years ago. I woke up one day in a hospital, and couldn't remember anything. The doctors had told me I was in a car accident and had been in a coma for six weeks. To say I forgot everything is actually an understatement though. When the doctors had asked me questions after I woke up, I had no idea as to what he was saying, because I only knew Korean. I later found out from a translator that he found it weird that I could still fully know my own language, but have completely lost all of my memories.

After my first day there, they were concerned, because I had no identity. I had no name, no parents, no place to live. And if I did have any of those, my memory wasn't being sufficiently helpful at all.

They then decided to send me to an orphanage that was the closest to the hospital, which was St. David's Orphanage, because I still had to receive therapy on regaining my memories and muscle senses back.

One of the sisters there, Sister Dhelia, was Korean and gave me the name, Lee Halla. She always wanted to name her daughter that, but since certain circumstances prevented her from that dream, she gave it to me happily. I continued to speak Korean to her in order to "preserve my heritage" as she would say, so I'm still fluent in it as well as English after all these years of being in America.

Ever since then, I've lived there watching, caring, and loving the other girls at the orphanage. There's no doubt that I wished to be one of the rare girls who were adopted every now and then, but in all I'm just glad I had the opportunity to not be alone.

I decided that what the sisters thought was best, and called Yein to accept her request.


We had just landed at the airport and were currently waiting for our ride to our new living place. Mr. Park said that he'd schedule everything for us so we wouldn't have to worry. After a few minutes we saw a man, who was our driver, holding up a sign that had Yein's name on it.

I don't know what was with me, but I felt a sudden surge of jealousy go through me. But nonetheless, I prepared myself earlier to acknowledge that what Mr. Park had said to me was a reality. That there was a high probability of me not becoming a songwriter for SH Entertainment, and a high probability that Yein would become a trainee.

We arrived at a hotel that roomed a lot of other people who were auditioning, and not to my surprise it was amazing in design.

My audition was scheduled to be later this evening, while Yein's was scheduled to be tomorrow.

For Yein, she absolutely knew what song she wanted to audition with, which was the song I wrote, and the one she got scouted for at Kcon. I was completely fine with it, since she also told me that if the judges liked the song, she would also notify that it was written by me, helping me with my audition.

For me, I was completely overwhelmed by which song I would play.

Knowing that I have to audition in front of not only the judges and the other people who are going to be in the auditioning room with me, but also since it is going to be broadcasted throughout the whole building, it wasn't really helping my overly nervous self. I wasn't the best in front of crowds, which was why I decided to pursue songwriting, thus not having to be up on stage.

After contemplating between all the original pieces inside of my music folder, I decided to go with the first song I had written and was happy with, Miracles in December. ((Yes, EXO. Let's pretend they never released this song))

While I used my next two hours in time to prepare for my audition, Yein decided to spend her time strolling around the streets. I envied her for her calmness and total readiness, while I on the other hand was a complete and utter mess.

I headed over to the SH building to find a practice room, but to my surprise the whole building was surrounded by fan girls and boys holding signs up and screaming their lungs out. I quickly walked towards the door and signed in to get my badge. They let me in after finding my name, thanks to Mr. Park, and went to look for a practice room.

Although the building looked a lot smaller in comparison to a company in America, it was still big enough for me to get lost in.

I stumbled upon a hallway after the endless turns and found a bunch of displays on the wall, mainly of the company's current artists.

I stopped and looked at one that caught my eye.

"They're amazing right?" I heard a Korean voice behind me say.

"I guess, I haven't really heard a lot of their songs, but their choreo is definitely amazing." I said before turning around to face the owner of the voice.

It took me a while to process why he looked so familiar. When it clicked that he was one of the boys in the picture, I did a triple take with wide eyes then pointed a finger at him.

I couldn't say any words out of shock.
He smiled widely at me before shaking his head and speaking.

"Hello, I'm Park Jimin from Bangtan Seonyeodan, nice to meet you."

I stood there with my mouth slightly open staring at him, while he just continued to laugh. I could tell he was enjoying my speechless shocked face.

"You must be auditioning today." He pointed at the badge that was around my neck, then lifted it up to take a closer look.

"Lee Halla... you have a pretty name. You're a songwriter?"

"Thank you. And yes, I'm auditioning in a couple of hours." I was surprised at myself for sounding completely casual, even if he was the first idol I have ever met.

"Oh? Then what are you doing here and not practicing?" He looked at me with a smirk.

"I got a little lost" I awkwardly laughed out, as I placed my right hand on the back of my neck.

"I can take you to the practice rooms if you'd like. I'm on my way there now actually."

I was first tempted to decline his offer because I didn't want to seem like one of those girls who clung onto famous people, but then gladly accepted, because I knew I wasn't going to find my way there myself. I only had a couple of hours left, and didn't want to use it all up by trying to find where to practice.

As we talked a little bit about ourselves on the way to the practice room I got to find out a little bit more about him, such as he was a dance major in school, and how he's one of the lead vocals in his group, BTS.

We finally ended up in front of the practice room, in which he held the door open for me. I stepped inside of the room and there was a grand piano near the back of the room, and a whole set of band instruments surrounding the piano.

"Here you go, I hope you do well on your audition! I'll be looking forward to seeing it later, fighting Halla!"

He cheered me on then quickly left the room. I didn't get enough time to thank him, but I was very grateful.

I walked over to the piano and grazed my hand over the keys. I sat down and started practicing my song.

Time went by fast before I heard the announcement of the songwriter audition starting. I quickly gathered my belongings and rushed out of the room before crashing into something. Or should I say... someone.

Familiar (Jungkook x Halla)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat