Chapter 42: Goodbye

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Omg this update is so overdue! Sorry guys!! But here it is. Enjoy :) 

btw the next chapter should be the last chapter!!!! ( i think?)


Lake Coleman: 

It's weird isn't it? I didn't know that I would feel like I lost everything in a spam of a few days just because someone I loved couldn't be mine. I wouldn't have thought of it like that.

But that was the truth. Justin and I couldn't be together. He had to be with Allie for another two years or so, whether he liked it or not. The wedding was happening right now and everyone was celebrating, the night soon coming to an end. 

Which means I did my job. I came all the way out here, prepared everything and it all went by smoothly. 

This was the end of the wedding of the wedding week. I was currently packing up my suitcase when I had stopped in mid fold. I felt something wet trickle down my cheek and I slowly reach up to wipe it. I didn't even realize I was crying. 

I sniffle, wiping my eyes. No more crying, Lake. Just don't think about it. I tell myself. 

But I couldn't just not think about it! It was too damn hard. I would tell myself to just stop, but I couldn't. It was too difficult for me to not think about Justin and what we have. Or at least what we had

I don't know what hurt more. Justin saying 'I do' at the wedding or seeing him go on with it, without a second look back. I guess a small part of me was hoping he wouldn't say those words. That he would stand up for us. Admit that he was in love with me to everyone there. Or something cliche like that.

But of course that didn't happen. He went on with it because he has to and he respects Scooter enough to go along with this stunt for the next two years of his life.

Two years of his life wasted with Allie and their fake love. I don't think I watch. I don't think I can wait and just hope that after two years he would for sure come back for me. There's no way we could meet up without making it look a little suspicious as him being a married man hanging out with the woman who planned his wedding.

And I guess on the inside, I was worried that after two years, Justin wouldn't want me anymore. I'm scared that he would change his mind. Maybe he'd decide he didn't want to be tied down. Or maybe he would fall in love with Allie somehow, I don't know.

I run my hands over my face and take a seat on the bed. I just couldn't wait to go back home. I need to go home, now. 

My flight is tonight at eleven PM and I feel like this week dragged on forever. I just want to go home. I want to forget about this entire wedding. I want to move on with my life now instead of being upset all the time. I need to move on. I have to, and so does Justin. 

And the sooner we start to, the better.


"You okay?" 

I look up and see Ryan. He has a sad smile on his face as if he already know's what's been going on. He pities me. 

"Yeah," I shrug, "I have to be don't I?" 

Ryan sighs and takes the seat next to me. I was in the hotel lobby, waiting to leave. I was planning to skip out on dinner and just hide out here. I didn't want to risk running into Justin and Allie in there. I haven't spoken to Justin since the night of the wedding and I don't plan to. 

"So this is how it's going to happen?" Ryan finally asks, startling me. I look down at my lap and don't respond. He scoffs, "You're just going to get on the plane without another word? No goodbyes? Tell me, were you even planning on saying goodbye to me?" He asks.

I don't want to look up at meet his eyes because I know he's upset, but I force myself to.

"Ryan..." I sigh, "Please don't do this." 

"Why not?" He bursts, catching the attention of a few people around us. "I mean we are friends, aren't we?" 

"Of course-"

"Then how could you just leave like this. Justin will be heartbroken when he finds out you just left without a word. He's been upset all night, he hates this too you know." Ryan hisses lowly.

"And you think it's easier on me? He's the one who's going to enjoy his life as an artist and going out with all his friends, you being one of them, and his family and his new wife. It doesn't matter if i'm there or not. He will move on and he will have a better life without me, that's the truth!" I feel the tears  pooling in my eyes, but I blink them away.

I refuse to cry in front of Ryan.

"Just let me leave, Ryan. We can still be friends, I just think it's better if there's some distance for now..." I say lowly. 

Ryan scoffs, "Lake Coleman, you listen to me," 

I look up and I see his blue eyes staring down at me. "You can't just run away like this. You two need to talk. I won't force you to because I know I can't, but if you know what's right, you will go find Justin and you will talk to him." 

 Ryan turns around and walks away, not even looking back. 

"Don't tell Justin," Is all I say. My voice cracks, but I ignore it.

For a split second, Ryan stops in his tracks. He doesn't turn back around to look at me, nor does he say anything. I hear him sigh before he's walking away again.


I didn't listen to Ryan. Instead of marching over to Justin I stayed back and waited until it was time for me to leave.

I know Ryan is going to be mad at me, but I'll make it up to him another time. After I land back in New York, i'll call him and apologize. I just couldn't get myself to do it.

A lot of Justin and Allie's friends were supposed to leave later on in the week, but I had booked an early flight home. I'm not sure how Ryan found out, but he did.

So instead, I'm currently waiting in line to aboard my flight. They've only just started letting the elderly on the plane. 

I wait, yawning as I checked the time. I was extremely tired even though I haven't don't anything productive today. 

The line in front of me goes on forever and I groan. Suddenly, there's a loud sound of 'hey!', 'watch out!' and 'sorry! excuse me!' I recognize the voice and turn around when I see someone running my way.

"Oh my god," I gasp. 

The person running towards the line is Justin.

And he doesn't have any shoes on? 





The Wedding Planner -Justin Bieber-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora