Chapter 10: Best friend fun

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Sorry for the lack of updates/ short updates. I've been busy completing projects and studying for my upcoming exams so I won't be properly updating until next Tuesday.


Lake Coleman:

"So, let me get this right..."

I groaned, covering my face with my hands. Will demanded to know what happened when I came home last night, but I refused to tell him so now here he is, almost four in the morning, in my bedroom.

"Will, get out. I do not appreciate getting waken up with a freaking horn in the ear at four in the morning!" Will sheepishly tucks the air horn behind his back and i'm starting to question where the hell he found it in this loft.

"Okay, okay. But let me clear this up and then i'll go," He said, "You went to Ryan's and Justin came over and almost brought up the fact that you two did whatever you two did that I will not name because you will end me and you splashed his face in sprite... seems like a pretty low key night." He chuckled, brushing his brown hair out of his face.

"Can you leave now? I want to sleep." I whined. I really just wanted to sleep. "Yeah, night Lakey."

I grumbled a low goodnight to Will before he left my bedroom. I turn onto my side and close my eyes, hoping that I can fall back to sleep as quick as possible.

"Up, up, up!" Will cheered, clapping his hands together. It was Saturday morning and apparently Will had 'big' plans for us today. And as in big plans I mean, hanging out until seven where he plans on giving me a surprise.

I groaned, pushing the blankets off my shivering body. The place was freezing cold right now for some reason.

I pulled a cardigan over my tank top and ignored the fact it didn't look nice with my blue pyjama pants.

"Do you mind if I take a shower here?" Will questions and I don't even flinch when he asks. "Go ahead. I have some of your clothes in my room so you don't need to go back to your place." I told him before walking out my bedroom.

Will practically lived here so a lot of his things were scattered around in my apartment.

I'm still surprised that he even get's time to go back to his place since he seems to always be at my place. I also question how he has time to study during the weekends when he's hanging out with me. Then again, Will is a really smart kid so i'm not too surprised.

I don't know what he planned for the morning before the surprise tonight so I just dress casual. Will is out of the shower in fifteen minutes, dried up and ready to go.

"So, where are we going?"

"We are going to the statue of Liberty!" Will pacifically squeals and I give him a blank look. "What?"

"You heard me." He smirked, clearly proud of himself.

I ran my fingers through my hair, deciding wether or not I should yank it out in frustration. "Will, we've already been to the statue of liberty."

He shrugged, "Well we are going again. And we're walking the whole way up."

"Jeez louise," I muttered under my breath. He's clearly trying to kill me with exercise. "The surprise after this better be worth it."

A small smile appeared on Will's face, his eyes still on the road. "It will be."

We saw the statue of Liberty, ate hamburgers at this really good hamburger place, went to central park and it was finally time to head home. I was grateful because it meant I could finally sit down.

"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad." Will laughed as he pulled up to the building parking lot.

"Um, yes it was."

"But you always run back in forth when you're at the weddings, this isn't any different."


"Yes, Lakey?"

"Shut up."

Will laughed, shaking his head at me as he cut the engine off. "You've got half an hour to get ready. I suggest you wear something more athletic." He gestures to my jeans and Ramones t shirt in disapproval.

I spend twenty minutes resting and catching up with two of my clients over the phone before getting back up to change again.

A white shirt with black athletic shorts is my choice of clothes and I pair it up with sneakers and I took one of Will's old soccer sweaters, shoving it deep into my bag just in case for when it gets chilly.

Will is patiently waiting in the living room, dressed in some sort of soccer uniform. Black and white shorts with a white shirt and a black adidas track sweater. He even had his cleats peaking out of his old soccer bag.

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at the bag.

Will simply just flashed an innocent smile.

I know where this is going and i'm just hoping i'm not going to die from all this exercise my best friend is making me do today.


"You suck."

Will chuckled, juggling the soccer ball back and forth on his knee's like the pro he is. "If it wasn't for law school, I would be traveling the world, playing soccer."

I stayed quiet. Will practically dreamed of becoming a soccer player since forever, but he stuck to Law school for his dad who passed away back in high school. He didn't want to leave his mom and siblings to travel and play soccer.

"Okay so, what's the surprise?" I ask, changing the subject for his sake. Will didn't like to talk about what happened to his father or anything near the subject really. And if he did, he kept it short.

"Over there," He smirked, tilting his head to the side.

I looked over to where his eyes were fixed on and I gasped, hitting his bicep. "Will!"



Aha to be continued in the next chapter.Sorry if these chapters are boring just bear with me, they will get better (hopefully) and a bit longer.

Have a nice day!


The Wedding Planner -Justin Bieber-Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя