Chapter 2: Planned dinners

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Lake Coleman:

"You should honestly plan my wedding," My best friend, Will, laughed as he looked through the photos Marina brought to my office today.

I smiled happily at how nice the wedding turned out. She and her, now, husband were over the moon with how the wedding turned out and it made me quite happy that they were more then satisfied with my work.

Chuckling, I replied, "You say this after every wedding I planned when you see the photos!" It was true.

After every wedding I planned, Will would complain and complain on how I should plan his wedding.

"Well? What do I have to do for you to plan my wedding?" He annoyingly asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Um, I don't know, find a future fiancé?" I questioned.

He huffed, flipping me off before he went back to looking through the photos. I chuckled, shaking my head at him. He's so weird sometimes. I guess that's why we're such great friends.

I've known Will since forever now and he was the best friend I could ever have. I had other close friends but Will and I were always super close.

I remember back in high school I would this group of close friends but it never really felt like I was part of their group. Sure, i've known them since elementary and I loved them but it just felt like in conversations I would just be standing there awkwardly. It never really felt like I was with the group and it really sucked.

Anyway, Will and I always had each others backs so I didn't mind. I knew I had a true friend so that's all that mattered.

Now we were both 24, living on our own. Will is in law school and he's got a few more years to go where as i'm out of school and doing my job as a wedding planner.

"I need to go grocery shopping," I groaned, closing my fridge shut. Will leaned off the kitchen island and grabbed his sunglasses, "I'll come with you."

We both headed out the loft and onto the streets on New York. It was quite sunny and June was getting closer and closer.

The grocery store was pretty near by. Will and I took one cart and he picked out a basket before saying, "I'm gonna pick up somethings for my cabinet, i'll find you later," He said before leaving me.

I chuckled to myself, knowing what Will meant by 'his' cabinet.

Basically, he had a cabinet all to himself in my loft filled with his favourite foods. It was filled with chips, cookies, cereals, oreos you name it. We honestly spent so much time at my place that it made sense for him to do that.

I started off with things the veggies and fruits section, picking out some broccoli, peppers, celery and mushrooms for this new thai recipe that I was learning.

After getting those things, I strolled around the other aisles, occasionally picking out a few things like cereal, drinks, kraft dinner and stuff like that.

I found Will in the snack section, not surprising, grabbing an arm full of pringles chips. "I ope you're paying for those," I comment, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Have you met me?" He laughed.

I just shook my head at him, "What am I going to do about you?"

He stuck his tongue out at me, "Shut up, you love me."

"True," I nodded, "You got everything?" Will checked his basket before giving me a thumbs up and we both walk over to a self checkout section.

We returned back to my place and I grabbed my laptop, nestling it onto my lap. Will was in the kitchen putting all the food back before returning with a container of Pringles.

"What are we watching?" He questioned, stuffing a chip into his mouth.

I pouted and he realized before spitting his food out onto the palm of his hand, "I'm sorry, would you like some?"

I scrunched my nose up, "Ew, William. Nevermind now." He shrugged, putting the saliva covered chip back into his mouth.

"Crap, I have to call Lola," I murmured, rubbing my forehead.

"Aye, Lola, my favourite Coleman sister." Will teased. I playfully hit his shoulder and grabbed my cell from my pocket, clicking on her contact.

It rang for a bit before she answered, "Hey, Lake."

"Hi," I said into the speaker. Will was scrolling through Netflix. He decided on the new DareDevil series.

"I wanted to know if you were attending my dinner thing, Ed's cousin is coming too." Lola said. I almost forgot about our dinner plans. Lola and Ed, her boyfriend, invited my brother and I to dinner at their place. I knew Ed's brother, Jacob, would be there too and I guess he invited his cousin as well.

"Yep, I'm still coming. It's next week right?"

"Yeah, and i'm getting angel food cake for dessert so you better be there because i'm getting it just for you!" She excitedly said. Everybody know's I love my angel food cake.

"Aha alrighty, see you soon."

"Bye, Lake." And then she ended the call. I set my phone down on the coffee table and noticed Will got up from his spot right next to me.

He returned with my fuzzy blanket and draped it over both of us and then hit play.

"I'm so excited to watch this," He grinned as the introduction began to play on the screen.

"Me too, now pass me the chips!" I demanded and he gave them over. I stuffed a few in my mouth, watching what was going on the screen. I had some work to finish tonight but I didn't really feel like doing anything.

Two hours later, Will and I went through a few episodes of Daredevil before he had to leave. He grabbed an extra Chips Ahoy! cookie package and left.

For the rest of the night, I stayed in so I could continue watching The 100, pausing every few times to make phone calls to book party rooms and jazz bands for the weddings.

The weekend was starting tomorrow and I was really looking forward to staying back and not doing anything at all but watch T.V like I did every weekend.



Hey guys! Hope this chapter wasn't too boring. There's more to come so don't worry!

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