Chapter 28: The papers

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Lake Coleman:

It's currently a Thursday night and I'm back in New York.

I haven't spoken to Justin in a few days and we haven't gotten the divorce papers which means that we are still in fact married.

After that day I left a message for Allie saying I got sick and went home two days early, apologizing for not being there when and if she bought her dress.

I couldn't stand to see her or Justin. I just couldn't.

I've also been dodging Ryan, trying to avoid having to see him.

I go to work, come home and lay in bed all day, trying to figure out how to explain to Will, Ryan and the rest of my family that I got married in Vegas to a man who's suppose to be getting married to his fiancé in a few months.

After finally working up the nerves I send a text to Justin.

To Justin:
We need to talk.

I don't wait for a reply and just shut my phone off completely, placing it on the bedside table before I leave my bedroom and drive over to Will's apparent.


"I have the papers." Is the first thing Justin says when we meet up.

I nod my head slowly, unable to speak. I feel like my mouth has gone too dry and I don't have the words to talk.

Justin is dressed in tight black jeans and a long sleeved black shirt, a chain around his necklace.

I noticed he didn't have his engagement ring on today.

He slides over the papers and I start to read over them. Justin sits across from me in silence, his eyes fixed on me. I avoid his looks.

"Lake," his voice rasps out as if he was pleading for me. "I need to make something clear with you. I know I've been sketchy the past few months and then what we did back in Vegas was highly inappropriate, but we can't just forget that it didn't happen." His voice is lowered.

I stiffen in my seat. I want to forget this happened even though I know I can't.

"I can't plan your wedding. I'm going to direct you to someone else or you can feel free to find someone else from a different company or whatever." Is all I say.

Justin's eyebrows furrow. "I'm not going to pretend that I don't care. That night meant something to me even if I was drunk. You can't tell me that you didn't  feel what I did when we first got reunited." He hisses.

"Justin, I will not argue with you about this." I hiss back. Yes, I have feelings for him, but what we did was wrong. What will Allie say when she finds out? Most of all, what will Ryan say? We promised the kiss was a drunken mistake we can't keep blaming the alcohol on everything we do. He'll for sure never talk to me again if he found we slept together and got married all in one night.

I find the end of the paper and sign it. "I'm sorry." Is all I say before I walk right out the coffee shop, leaving him behind.


"You sure you'll be okay on your own?" Will asks. We were suppose to have pizza together, but something came up with his family and he's driving over to his moms place.

"Yes, Will. Plus that means more pizza for me. Anyway, say hello to your family. I hope everything's okay."

We say our goodbyes and I sigh, placing my phone down. I've been hiding in my apartment all day ever since I got home from meeting with Justin.

There's a knock on the door and I frown. I literally just called the pizza place five minutes ago so it's too early for it to be them.

I creep over to the door and look through the small hole and let out a breath when I see Justin.

"Coleman, please open up." He says, looking back through the peep hole as if he could see me right through it.

I open the door a crack, "Go away, Justin." I snarl, ready to shut the door, but he's already pushing it open.

"What's your problem? You just can't barge in here like this!" I yell angrily. I don't want to talk to him if I don't have to.

"Lake, just let me explain! Don't you want to know why I did what I did? Don't you want to know why I've been with all those girls? There's more to it then you think. I'm not a freaking cheater and if you just listen, you'll know." He rants, his chest heaving up and down angrily.

My lips part and my eyes fix on him for a few seconds as I decide if I should let him explain or not.

"If you have two minutes to explain before I kick you out and never talk to you again on my free will." I point a finger at his chest.

"Thank you," he breaths out in relief.

I don't offer to take this conversation to the kitchen or livingroom so he's going to have to tell me whatever he has to tell me in the entryway.

I honestly don't know what I'm expecting.


Hi guys!

Sorry for the short updates. I'm still in Norway and I don't get much time to type since I'm usually out and exploring the place.

I have so many new story ideas I'm so exited to start typing them out I just don't know which one to post first. Argh this is so complicated!


The Wedding Planner -Justin Bieber-जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें