Chapter 29: How to tell him

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Lake Coleman:

"So I didn't really have the best year a few years ago. I got myself into a lot of shit and I let a lot of girls throw themselves at me, taking advantage of my fame. I ended up running my image and so to get it back to being 'stable' and 'committed' Scooter suggested I find a girl to date for a certain amount of time..." He starts.

Justin's eyes aren't on me as he speaks. Instead he's fiddling with his fingers, eyes glued on them as if they're the most interesting thing in the world.

"He said it has to be someone I have history with. It couldn't be some random girl who shows up out of no where. So, I got back in touch with, Allie." He says.

"So? You guys dated and got engaged. That still doesn't explain why you did what you did." I snap. This is bullshit. I made a mistake to let him in here and try to explain himself.

"You don't get it," he shakes his head, running his fingers through his hair.

"What do I not get?" I frustratedly ask.

"Allie and I aren't in a real relationship," he whispers lowly, "I'm dating her for publicity. All of it is fake. The dating, the engagement and even the wedding. We're suppose to be together a little bit until the wedding and then break the engagement off." He says.

I gasp, my mouth wide open. "S-so it's not real?" He nods his head, eyes on the floor.

"I slept around with people in secret so no one ever found out. I was careful until you caught me. At the time, I thought you wanted nothing to do with me so I tried to forget about you by sleeping with other girls since I knew I couldn't take advantage of Allie."

"But she knows that this is fake.. Right?" I ask when I see Justin completely look away from me. 

"No!" I gasp, completely taken back. "She doesn't even know that she's being played like this!"

He shakes his head no and I feel bad for Allie. She doesn't even know that Justin's 'love' for her is all fake and just for publicity.

"You have to believe me, Lake. I wouldn't just cheat on someone like that. I just don't have feelings for Allie or any of those girls what so ever," He's now coming closer to me as I back away.

Justin's brown eyes are wide and pleading. He takes my hand in his, "You have to believe me that I love you, and only you." He whispers, his other than trailing down my cheek.

"B-but how do I know that you won't do the same thing to me?" I whisper. Images of the papers Scooter had asked me to place in Justin's room fill my mind. Those papers were tracking everything about Justin and Allie's 'relationship'. 

Justin's brown eyes show nothing, but honesty. "I would never do something like this to you. Everything I feel for you is real and always has been. I love you Lake Haille Coleman. I always had and I always will." 

Then he kisses me. 

And I kiss back.


Justin and I were currently cuddled up on the couch, a box of pizza on the coffee table in front of us. 

We're both staring off into space, trapped with our own thoughts.

Justin is tracing patterns into my skin and I have my head on his shoulder. I feel safe in his arms and he's very comforting. 

"What are we going to tell Ryan?" I finally ask. That question has been eating me up for the past thirty minutes. 

Justin and I had agreed to keep whatever we had on the down low since he wasn't allowed to end his relationship with Allie due to the contract yet.

"I don't know." Justin murmurs. 

"We have to tell him. He's your best friend, Justin."

He sighs, "I know." 


"We'll tell him as soon as we see him." Justin declares. "Like right when we see him?" 

"Right when we see him." Justin nods. 

There's a knock on my door and I stand up to get it when Justin quickly pulls me back down. He presses his lips softly against mine before pulling away with a cheesy smile. "Okay, now you can go." 

I blush a bit and stand up to answer the door. "Ryan, hi." I say in shock. He smiles widely, pulling me in for a hug. "Hey, I missed you." 

"I missed you too...?" I breath out, still in shock. It's like my mind couldn't process that he was here. "How was the trip? I hope Justin didn't bug you too much." He teases, walking right in.

He's quick to walk into the living room and Justin jumps off the couch in surprise of his best friend. "Justin, hey!" Ryan goes over to do a bro hug. 

Justin looks at me frantically and it's clear that he's as confused as I am. "Ryan, get yourself a slice of pizza. Justin," I hiss his name, titling my head to the kitchen. 

We walk over and I make sure that Ryan isn't paying attention to us until I speak, "Maybe right now isn't the best time to tell him." I glance over at the blonde boy.

"Okay, so maybe not the first time we see him." He agree's, looking over at his best friend.

For the rest of the night, I sit next to Ryan with his arm around my shoulder while Justin shoots daggers at his arm around me when Ryan isn't looking.



Bit of a filler! 

And if you haven't heard, Swap It Out has a sequel! It's already up and it's called Recovery so check that out if you want to :)) 


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