Chapter 34: Little bastard

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Songs for this chapter: 

Shameless by The Weeknd (COME&C remix)

Perfect by One Direction


Lake Coleman:

"What was so important that I had to come over right now?" I ask when Justin opens his front door. I'm supposed to be going to the dinner to meet Seb's new girlfriend tonight in about an hour, but Justin demanded I came over this instant.

"I have to give you something." He quickly rushes out, letting me in. He starts jogging up the stairs, not even closing the door behind me.

I sigh, shutting the door and removing my shoes, following right after him.

Running after him, I follow him down the halls in his house until we reach a large room. It was an office to be more exact. Justin rummages through some papers until pulling out a small key from underneath. 

I don't say anything and neither does Justin. I watch him place the key into the key hole at the desk and he turns it. He pulls open the drawer and pulls out a familiar looking cover and a tiny box. He holds out the cover for me, but swiftly shoves the box into his pocket. 

I raise a brow at him, "What's this?" 

"Take it." Is all he says. 


"Lake, just listen to me. Open it up." He says, his brown eyes focused on me. I slowly reach my hand out and grasp the book from him. My fingers trail over the front and my mouth falls open when I realise what's in my hands. "I-is this my?" I can't seem to form proper words after that.

Justin's short nod is all I need to confirm my thoughts. 

My start flipping through the pages and look through all my artwork. "H-how did you even get this?" I gasp. It's been six years since I lost it and six years since I gave up on art completely. 

Justin shoves his hands into his pockets and looks down at the floor, "I took it from the roof the day I threw it." He shyly admits. He doesn't meet my gaze and it's obvious that he's a little embarrassed about it. "You went all the way back to get it?" I whisper. I go to the last page where there's an unfinished picture of Kurt Cobain. It was one of my many ar projects.

He nods his head, still not looking at me.

 With a sigh, I close the sketchbook and hug it to my chest as if it would disappear at nay moment now.


"Yeah?" He slightly raises his head. 

"Thank you." I whisper. 

I take a step forward and before I can stop myself, I place a gentle kiss to his cheek. Justin seems to have frozen in those few seconds and I pull away before he can properly register what happened. 

With that, I turn on my heel and walk right out the office.

"It was so nice meeting you, Crystal." I smile to my brother's girlfriend. 

"You too, Lake. I'm so glad Seb introduced me to you all. You guys are very wonderful people and I can see why Sebastian talks so fondly about you guys." She tells me with a nice smile. I see Seb blushing by her side which makes me chuckle.

"I'll see you guys around." I tell them. Seb gives me a quick hug goodbye and I walk out the restaurant and towards my car. When I get inside, I pick up the sketchbook and flip through the pages again. It feels like I'm dreaming. I have my sketchbook back, but it feels like at any moment it's just going to disappear again. 

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