Chapter 27 {Final Chapter}

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"Hey Beckett, you alright?" Ryan asked after my overloading of crying.

"Do I seem like i am?" I asked harsh.

"Sorry.. Anyways, do you wanna watch while we do the interrogation? After it you can talk to him alone."

"Yeah, I would like to watch. I want to hear what he has to say.." I turned and looked at Ryan.

"I am so sorry tht we didn't tell you it was Eric."

"Ryan, it's not your fault. Neither Espo's fault, don't blame yourself for doing something you didn't do at all." Ryan nodded. And went off to interrogation. I followed, but this time my place was behind the glass. Watching how he would confess.

"So, Eric. Why did you kill Richard Castle? You know that killing a famous person, is standing Life long?" Ryan began. And Eric sat in silence. "Let me ask this. Why did you lie to Kate? Why did you kidnap them both, and kill the love of her life." I got tears in my eyes. I wanted to run in, grab Eric. And punch him until he got unconscious. But I knew I couldn't do that. I would go in prison too. So rather I don't do that.

"I didn't lie to Kate. Because it's not true! I didn't kill Rick!"

"Liar!" I slammed against the glass. And yelled as hard as I could.

"Is she watching?! What the hell! Why do you let my wife watch this! She knows it's not true! You will only hurt her with this story!!" Eric said. And looked at the Glass. Right into my eyes.

"LIAR!" I yelled again and slammed the glass once more. I looked one more time before I walked away.

"I didn't kill him because he is alive! I tried to! But that guy is strong! Okay!" I stopped, and got back to the glass. Did he just say Rick was alive?! I took a run, I ran into the interrogation room.

"Who do you think you are ERIC!? WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?! YOU WERE LYING TO ME! FOR OVER 4 YEARS!" I stepped closer to him.

"Beckett back off!" Espo tried to get me away from him, but I stood where I stood.

"I have been married to you, for 4 years! 4 FUCKING YEARS!"

"BECKETT!!" Espo tried again.

"And we have 2 kids. And you managed to lie? All those years?! I knew something was wrong with you! And now I know for sure! YOURE A FUCKING KILLER ERIC! I KNOW NOW WHY YOUR EX WIFE LEFT YOU. AND I AM GONNA DO TE SAME FUCKING THING." I took my wedding ring off my finger. And I broke it. Trowing the 2 pieces to him. "Happy now?" I walked away, and ran to the break room. A moment later Gates came in, and I was crying my eyes out. I felt an arm around me. I looked up, it was Gates. "Sir?"

"Shh. It's okay Kate. I know what you're going through right now. Marriages aren't suppose to have a killer in it. And you had. I am sorry for you detective." I looked at her. She stroked my arm. And I laid my head on her shoulder. At this moment she felt like a mom for me.

"Kate? Do you want to see him going away?" Espo came in. "Oh sorry. Didn't want to interrupt, oh and sir, someone's in your office."

"Go Espo. I don't want to see him anymore. Just put him away." I said and dried my tears.

"Can you handle this detective?" Gates asked.

"Yea. I can. Thanks sir."

"Always detective." Gates got away, and so did Espo. I stood up, and took something to drink. And went to my desk, the photo that was on it, from me and Rick, I stared at it.

"You're alive. And I didn't know." I whispered.

"Indeed, I'm still alive." A familiar voice spoke to me. I looked up, and dropped my drink. The cup hit the ground, and broke. It was Rick. I jumped up into his arms. I started crying from happiness. Everyone started clapping, but I didn't let him go. This moment, I have dreamed of. "I am so sorry Kate."

"You didn't kill yourself. Did you?" I got out of his arms. And looked up at him.

"No. But I didn't even come to you. I was alive! And I didn't stop by."

"Rick. The only thing I want, is you. Right now. I want to kiss you. To hold you. To hold y-" He kissed me. Passionately. I missed this. I missed him. I missed every moment I had with him. I MISSED HIM!
       That night Rick got to my place, we cleaned up everything that belongs to Eric. Clothes, work. Everything. He met Jo and Wyatt. And they seem very normal with him. Like he was their daddy. And I hoped he was okay with it, that they weren't his children.

Rick came down when he had put Wyatt and Jo in bed, when I made us something to drink. I smiled at him, and we both sat down on the couch.

"He was asleep immediately."

"Wait? He was? He never does when I or Eric brought him to bed. You have magic powers." I handed him the glass.

"I thought you already knew. But How did you even live without me?"

"I didn't remember you.." I started. "I was drugged. When you were "killed", by Eric. And last year your Case came up. And we thought we got the killer. Since then I remember all our stories. I found photos. I found stories. And I remembered."

"I hope, so much. That you will forgive me right now. That you will take me back."

"I will Rick. Last year, was hard. And I will forgive you. I love you. I always will." He came closer, and kissed me. We are back. Back together.

"The stars above us, and the world at our feet. Nothing can come between us."

Hey you guys! I hope you enjoyed this book❤️ I know, kinda sad ending. I am sorry. But hey, It's an beautiful end!
So, go on and follow my new story: "I'm different" an 9/11 caskett fanfic.. I know. It's hard and sad. And believe me, hard to write too.
Thanks for all the reads, and votes❤️❤️
Love you all

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