Chapter 9

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"It hurts.... So what?" "Dad! Yes he trowed me ok the ground, so? I am not dying." "No! I am not going to take it slow. I am not crazy." "HA! You'd really believe that?" "Dad! Please! I have a headache enough! Fuck off!" "I am fine! No! I don't need help." "Can you please shut?" "Yeah. Bye!" With that I ended my rough phone call with my dad. I needed him. And now I don't. One thing, and he is caring the shit outta him. Yeah. No....

"Hey. How are you doing?" Rick entered his bedroom. Where I was laying on his bed.

"I'm fine. I think." I replied.

"Why think?" He chuckled and sat down next to me.

"My dad. Gave me. A long. Long! Talk.... And he gave me a bigger headache then I already had. Oh and top op cake, I scold him out." I said, shrugging.

"Bad girl."

"You don't know me to good." I smiled, but it hurted.

"You definitely need some rest. Take a nap. Naps are good."

"I know they are. But still. I can't lay down comfortable, without pain. So... Yeahh. Not really something for me right now. Don't you think?"

"You're going to sleep. Or I do something you don't want me to do!"


"Kate! Go! Sleep!" I laughed, and gave him a kiss. He stroked my cheek, and suddenly I fall asleep.

A few hours later I woke up. By some people screaming around the house. I figured that it was Castle, arguing with Alexis. I didn't want to just step in their conversation, so I stayed in bed. I closed my eyes, and drowned back into a sweet dream.

"Kate?" A girly voice whispered. And slightly shaking me a little awake. "Kate? Please, can we talk?" With what she just said, I slowly opened one eye. Looking at Alexis.

"Hey Alexis." I said half asleep.

"I am sorry that I woke you up." She looked down. There was something with her. Something good wrong.

"Hey sweetie. It's okay. I see in your body language, that you aren't, well 'You'. What's up? Oh and is it that why you woke me? To talk?"

"Yes. And still I am sorry."

"Don't be Alexis. Just don't. Now, sit down. And tell me." She slowly sat down on the bed. And I looked at her. Poor girl. She must have done a terrible thing, or saw something happening.

"Well. Umm. My dad was yelling at me about this. Please don't yell."

"I won't. I promise!" I took her hand, and she accepted. She took a deep breath, and looked at me. Her tears builded up slowly.

"Well. Me and Ashley, uh. We did things 2 days ago.... And-And... That caused me, to-to." She stuttered. I slightly stroked her hand, to give her more comfort. "I am pregnant. And I don't know what to do!" Some tears rolled down.

"Oh okay. Well. I can't really say what to do. Or how it feels. Because I never had been pregnant. I am still virgin." She looked at me. Real confused. "I am not going to tell you, what you need to do. Discuss with your dad if you want to keep it or not. And know this, whenever you need a babysitter. I am here for you Alexis!"

"I think I want to keep it. Can you help me through?"

"I really would be honoured! And tell your dad. He needs to know."

"Girl to girl talk is always helping! Thank you Kate!" She then hugged me. She smiled, and we shared some more storied together. And well, Castle's daughter. Wow. She is amazing. And totally not Castle! Haha.. Oh Kate. You're so funny....?!

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