Chapter 12

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*Ryan's Pov-*
"Yo Javi. We got a new one." I said walking up to Javi's desk.


"Yup. A car slipped off the road, and there was a woman in it. She died, or is nearly dying. We need to go."

"Where's Beckett? Doesn't she wants to go with us?"

"Gates suspended her... She is not allowed to work for 3 weeks." I whispered. He nodded and we headed to the crime scene.

Once we arrived. Our one and only Lanie was already there. With the victim, but she seems to be alive. And she looked like someone I know. I ran to them. And when we came near, it was Kate. Our Kate. She was alive, but shot.

"Lanie? What happened?" I asked and kneeled down with them. Lanie had been crying. I could understand that. It was her best friend.

"She was shot from near distance." Lanie sobbed.

"Lane, I-I am alright." Kate mumbled.

"No. Kate, girlfriend. You're not, I can't tell you why you're not. Not now. We need to get you to a hospital soon sweety." Lanie cried. She was scared, and what the hell was going on.

*Castle's Pov-*
I entered her room. She looked so vulnerable, my poor girl. She was fast asleep, so I sat down on the chair next to her bed. Just watching her. When I sat down, and her eyes slowly opened. When she met my eyes, she smiled weakly.

"Hey Castle." She said, weakly. Vulnerable. Broken..

"Hey! How are you feeling?"

"I don't know, I feel different things. That don't lead to one thing." She looked at me, I had no clue. Well. No. Not really.

"The only thing I know, is that you lost blood. Lots of. They saved you. And more I don't know."

"I bet you don't. But strange, I don't remember just a thing. It's all blurry. I don't know what happened yesterday, the day before. The day before that. I lost my memories.. I know you, because you're special. More? I don't. Something more is going on, and I don't know what." She told it like she was just investigating a murderer. She was a little herself. But she was lost. Far lost.

"You don't know? Not even what happened in like 3 months ago?"

"Like I said, I don't know. I can't get it back. It's worse.."

"Ah! Mrs Beckett! You're up, and you might be Richard Castle? The boyfriend." A doctor came in, and I nodded. And she walked over to Kate. Kate looked so confused. "Mr Castle, can I talk to you for a second? Alone?"

"Uh, of course. Kate, I'll be back in a bit."

"Yeah. Do what you have to do to find what is going on." Kate said.

"I will! I promise." I smiled, and she weakly smiled too. The doctor and I walked to the hall. She closed the door of Kate's room.

"Do you know how bad her situation is Mr Castle?" The doctor started.

"No. But is it that worse?"

"Yeah, kinda. I don't know how to bring this, well I have too."

"What's it doc?"

"She is having bad injuries. And, she is loosing her mind. In maybe a few days, she doesn't know you anymore. I am really sorry."

"How could that happen?"

"We are still looking for an cause. But I think the worst. Please, don't tell her anything about this. Not right now. Try to give her comfort."

"I will. It will be hard. But I will." I replied, and she nodded. I went back in, and Kate played with her pillow. She was so, young? No, she was loosing her mind. And I couldn't do anything. Just waiting 'till she was forgetting everything. And then, maybe start over again. Or maybe it was already to late..

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