Chapter 26

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*Monday morning *

I woke up silent. Everything was silent. The past weekend was full of arguing, fights. I don't know what else. Eric left the house this morning early. Jo was at school, Wyatt fast asleep. When I thought about last weekend, I started to cry. My world collapsed after that my dad came by. That wasn't even normal the way he came in. I didn't agree with his coming, neither did Eric when I had told the story abou me being shot, bla bla bla. Eric was the only one giving me any hope, he was the one helping me up. Getting me out the dark. At some point, he was just another Rick Castle. But he wasn't. Rick's dead. Your dad is a son of a bitch. Your mom's dead. The only one you had was your husband and kids. Okay and Martha and Alexis, but they weren't really "Family" they are te fmily of my dead boyfriend. And hell I miss him. However, I got out of my bed. Walking downstairs. Making myself some coffee. I looked at my phone. Thousands of missed calls from The Precinct, Ryan and Esposito.. I decided to call The Precinct back.

"Kevin Ryan, NYPD. How can I help you?" ryan picked up, probably a new slogan.

"Hey Detective Ryan, it's Beckett. You had called?"

"Oh goodmorning Mrs.Randolphs. How are you doing?"

"Ryan, come to your point please."

"Well, we need you."

"And I need Rick? Is it so important that you need me?"

"Yes we need you Beckett. It is damn important, why would we call you with every phone at the precinct?"

"No idea.. Must be important? But hey, I can't come. I have to take care of myself and Wyatt. Plus, Eric is not letting me out in no way. Not after what happened last weekend."

"Did a badass job?"

"No Ryan, wish I did. But no. Worse."

"We got a lead on that old case were you asked us to dig in. Et Voìla! We got a hit!"

"That case, with Rick I suppose?"

"Yes, case with the writerboy. Care to stop by?"

"I need a babysitter then."

"Call Alexis? Or Martha?"

"I will try, give you a tekst in a bit." I hang up, and called the Castles.

Alexis picked up the phone, and she told me she would take care of little Wyatt. I told her it was about her dads case. And she immediately didn't know what the do, even through the phone I could feel her excitement. I told her also not to be really excited. Because we didn't know what was going on.
"Hey Beckett!" Ryan walked up to me when I entered the precinct.

"Hey. What do you got?"

"Well, a very interesting thing. We might have the wrong killer. We found evidence from a total other man. The man who drugged you, had killed Castle as well. But he had company. There were 3 man." He showed me what they got on the murderboard. "And 1 of them is now in prison because we thought he was the killer. But one interesting thing, he wasn't. He was just a guard."

"So? Who is it then?"

"Well, you might love to be with us when we arrest him?"

"I would Love to! Yes!"

"Espo! Come on. Let's get the son of a bitch!" Espo came running to us. And we headed off. To arrest the man who killed my boyfriend. And who tried to let me forget my life!

We arrived at a building, Seems really familiar to me, at 50th ave. I got out the car, and that's when I recognized the building. It was the building of Eric. He worked here.

"Ryan. What are we doing at Eric's work? Is on of his colleagues Rick's killer?"

"Yeah. Maybe you know him." Espo said, not looking at me. But walking straight forward. Something was going on.

"Yes. One of his colleagues." Ryan said, and we went into the building. To Eric's work floor. But I knew he had his own office. And we went just to his office! What wasn't I knowing? Ryan knocked on his office door. And a silent "yes" came from the inside, Ryan and Espo entered first. And after them I walked in. Making Eric confused. But I was too. So. Fifty fifty.

"Kate?" Eric stood up.

"Eric." I said. Looking at him. And then at the guys.

"Gentlemen and woman. Can I help you with something?" Eric asked as a complete gentlemen.

"Oh yes you can help us." Espo said. "Eric Randolphs, you are under Arrest for the murder of Richard Castle." Ryan walked to him and cuffed him. I couldn't believe what I just heard. Was my husband Rick's killer? The father of my kids, the killer of my Best Friend?! Ryan left the room, with an angry/confused Eric. I just stood there. I walked up to his desk, took the photo of me, Wyatt, Jo and him. And looked at it. This couldn't be true? Right? Was Eric really a killer? But why?

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