Chapter 16

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I didn't was fully healed. The tumor wasn't gone either. But I had the change to go home, for 3 weeks. And then my next surgery would take place. That was the surgery full of risks. I could lost. Or I could win. I would fight. Like I always did to get something.

We entered the loft, and immediately 2 redheads where looking our way.

"Oh Katherine!" Martha said, and came to u.

"Kate!" Alexis jumped up, and ran into my arms.

"Hey guys." I smiled a little, and holds Alexis tight.

"How are you doing Darling?" Martha asked, and Alexis leaved me. So that Martha could give me a quick hug.

"Well, for so far. I am doing fine. No really bad pain, no memory loss. I just feel like there is nothing." I said, and Martha left my embrace.

"Well, we will take care of you. And support you!" Alexis said, and she smiled.

"Thank you guys. I really appreciate that! It's really wonderful to be part of this, crazy but so loved family!"

"You are more then welcome Katherine!" They all pulled in for a family hug. It felt good. It felt good to be loved again! It felt like I had my mom back. But on another way this time.

We played some games, and I had for the first time in months a nice meal. The day went very fast. We had played games, watched all the Hunger Games movies. And we even went to the park. I never felt this free. I had maybe 3 weeks to gather my things. And do everything I want. I am really scared for what is coming. But it haves always his good ends. Well. That's what they say.

We went to bed at 11 pm. And I couldn't sleep. I was laying there. Castle fast asleep. I looked over at him. He slept so peaceful. And well, there was me. I couldn't sleep. Thinking about the worst. Why was it me? Why would it happen to me! Why!?

I got up, and looked over at the clock. 1:30... I slowly walked out, without making any noise. I knew how to make my way out, and walked to the kitchen. I took something to drink. I sat down on the barstool. I looked around the living room. Maybe this could be my last week, last week of real living. Last week here. I couldn't believe all of this. Why was I having this? Why does that brain cancer thing just happened to me? What the hell have I done!? Was I that bad? Usually it is a genetic disorder. Who in my family would have it? My father? No idea, I have not spoken to him for months. My mother has been put down. Not deceased to Brain cancer...

When I was finally done thinking, I made my way back to bed. I got a little sleepy when I was thinking. I crawled back to my side of the bed. I saw him moving. I thought he was awake. But no. He mumbled something in his sleep, and he then pulled me closer. I snuggled more to him. And fall asleep in his sweet, caring embrace. Dreaming about the good things.

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