Chapter 16

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I woke up lying on a cold metal table. I knew I hadn't been lying here for a long time, because the metal underneath me was ice cold. I turned my head to look at the room around me. I hissed in pain. All my muscles were sore. My neck hurt with every head movement. I sat up in pain and looked around. A white room.

Of course.


The days went by in a blur. Lots of yelling. Lots of shocks. Lots of beating. But I never said a thing. That's what I had to deal with. Light got a different treatment. The Chinese water torture or someting. I saw her. Clamped into a construction that held her body and most importantly head still. Every two seconds a water drop would fall onto her forehead. The same spot. Every time. Every two seconds. For several hours, maybe days. I heard her crying and screaming sometimes. It must be madding. She didn't know anything though. So at some point they gave up on her and concentrated more on me. Hitting harder. Breaking bones. Shocking me till unconsciousness. Keeping me awake for days.

They hadn't done anything to me in two days now. I hoped that they maybe had given up on me too. Even though I just got the pure violence, it was really draining and my body was just one giant bruise with a couple of cuts and broken bones. The moment I thought about why they haven't tried anything for two days the door to my completely white room flung open and a few Crows marched in. I rolled my eyes and groaned. I stood up and spread my arms like Jesus. I looked at them tiredly.

"Go for it." I sighed. I expected them to start hurting me, but they grabbed my arms and carried my out of the room. I wanted to kick and fight them, but I was too tired. The lack of sleep was really getting to me.

They sat me in a chair and tied my wrists and ankles to it. Nothing unusual. My head hung low and I looked at my lap tiredly.

"Kobra?" a weak voice whispered. I looked up and saw Light strapped into a chair as well. She looked scared and paranoid. I started to wiggle and fight the ties wanting to get to her.

"Light!" I kept fighting, but lost. I fell back.

"I'm scared." she whispered. I looked up at her. I wanted to tell her that it's going to be okay, that she's going to be fine, but I couldn't. I just sighed and nodded slightly.

"Lovely." Korse came into view. "Since you're still not talking, Kobra Kid, we came to the conclusion, that the only thing that would make you speak is..." he looked at Light. I looked at him confused, but then realized.

They are going to make her suffer... until I speak. Oh god.

Light and I seemed to realize at the same time, because she looked at me with the same terror in her eyes with which I was looking at her.

They attached her to the usual wires. Tears shot to my eyes.

When Light's muscles tensed and she started screaming I squeezed my eyes shut and tried not to listen. I couldn't look at her. I didn't want to see or hear anything. I couldn't say my name. I couldn't say any name at all. I just couldn't.

It was when she started to beg for it to stop that an inner voice was urging me to speak up. I tried to fight the voice. I tried to shut everything out. The voice got louder though, just like Light's begging. I gritted my teeth and spoke up.

I'm sorry, guys.

"Mikey." I said quietly, but load enough for them to hear. "Michael James Way." I pressed.

With those words Light's screaming and begging stopped and she looked at me with her bloodshot eyes. She looked sorry. Sad.

"There we go." Korse smiled at me. Light seemed dazed. She looked like she wasn't fully there. "What about Party Poison?" Korse asked, calm. Almost nice sounding. I didn't say a thing. "Micheal... don't provoke it. You know I won't hesitate to hurt her." Korse sighed.

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