Chapter 14

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Christina's picture

kayla's POV

i woke up to the sound of someone banging on the door. I sighed and looked over to see ty still asleep. I flipped the cover off of me and went to the front door. I unlocked the door and pulled it open.

"Hi is Ty here?" she question. I nodded.

"do  you wanna come?" i questioned she nodded. i spread the door open. she reached for something realizing it's her suit case. Is it Christina.

"excuse me is your name Christina?" i asked her she nodded plopping a gum in her mouth.

"your Ty's sister." i smiled at her she chuckled.

"and who are you?" she questioned me.

"I'm Kayla." she squealed. she ran to me and give me a hug.

"your Ty's girlfriend he has told me so much about you. You're like the first real girlfriend her ever had. Not to sound rude but he was a man thot." i blushed when she said the word 'girlfriend'. i chuckled.

"imma go and wake him up for you. he's sleeping." i told her pointing to the room.

"NO! i wanna surprise him." she giggled and walked slowly to the room, i walked behind her she went on the opposite side of the bed which was my side.

"tttttttttyyyyyyyyyyy." she tapped his cheeks. Ty groaned. "TY GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed. Ty sat up very quickly. causing me to laugh. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the direction his sister was in.

"i had a feeling it was you." she squealed and give him a hug.  They released Christina has a big smile on her face.

"sooo you miss meh?"  she said while she was shaking Ty.

"sure." he simply replied smiling . He went into the bathroom.

"so your name is Kayla right?" she questioned me and now facing me. i nodded and smile.

"god damn girl i didn't even notice how thick you are. Do Ty slap that ass?" she was wiggling her eyebrows. i just laughed.

"No I'm fat. that is what every body says." i looked at her.

"no your thick no fat. You have a flat ass stomach." Ty walked into the room wiping his face with his towel.

"christina you talk to damn much." Ty said chuckling.

"i know." and we all laughed.

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